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Register for our donation-based monthly offering: Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony. This is a new way to save on the “revolutionary healing science” (Nexus) of Potentiation Electromagnetic Repatterning.
We are taking the month of February off. Our next Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony will take place on Sunday, March 2, 2025, from 10-10:30 PM New York time (3-3:30 AM UTC, Monday, March 3). See your local time in the widget below.
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Since 2004 the Phoenix Center for Regenetics has offered a leading-edge technique for DNA activation known as the Regenetics Method, starting with an “ener-genetic reset” called Potentiation, for transforming the body, mind, and spirit.
This unparalleled form of sound healing, which employs specific vowel combinations sung to the renowned Solfeggio scale, was partly inspired by new genetic research revealing that DNA can be sonically activated—noninvasively and even remotely—to actualize your unique potential in all aspects: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
Over the past decade, we have worked with thousands of individuals and have had the honor to train numerous Facilitators to perform this life-changing work for their friends, family, clients, and even pets. The results have been astonishing, as evidenced by our enormous body of Testimonials.
“My son has gone from an asthmatic, eczemic immune compromised boy to not needing any meds even if he gets a little bit congested now. The dark circles under his eyes have reduced and he is very loving even though I've been a stressed and tough mom sometimes. I can't attribute all these changes to anything but Potentiation because even if I could rationalise them, I cannot ignore my Potentiation diary that shows subtle yet very significant experiences before each breakthrough which magically line up with your chart [...] As for me, my health hasn't improved like I was hoping though a digestive issue I had been struggling with for a year healed up in the last month. However, my inner talk has taken a complete U-turn and all immediately after hitting the Fragmentary Body. That just cannot be coincidence. And the closer I get to the sealing at 5-month mark, the happier I am being me. I've never accepted me, my thoughts or my body before and frankly I really don't know anyone yet who loves values themselves like I value me now. I cannot ever thank you enough for that ... ever. Because I've spent the last 12 years trying almost everything to do just that ... Holosync, other meditations, EFT, Healing Codes, Cybernetic Transposition and every self-help book out there ... And I all I needed was a free Potentiation and some time. Someday I will give back to you and others what you have given me." Sahl Jamsheer
For a more in-depth look at Potentiation, check out author Brendan Murphy’s Diary of a Potentiator as well as Dr. Julie TwoMoon’s article on her experience of this empowering methodology.
You might also enjoy Regenetics co-developer Sol Luckman’s interview on Speaking of Health radio in addition to the complimentary online copy of the now classic Book One on the Regenetics Method, Conscious Healing.
In 2011, responding to popular demand, we published a how-to book, Potentiate Your DNA, which immediately became a bestseller and has since been translated into Spanish. New Dawn Magazine described this pioneering text as “both fascinating and an astounding, perhaps even world-changing theory.”Now in 2025, having had considerable experience successfully performing this work at a distance, sometimes for large groups, we are thrilled to offer a monthly Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony that takes place the first Sunday of every month at 10-10:30 PM Eastern (New York) time (3-3:30 AM UTC, Monday).
How the Ceremony Works
You or your loved ones can participate meditatively in the thirty-minute session from wherever you are in the world. There is no need to be online or on the telephone. Simply use your intention to “tune in” to the activation, which we (Sol and Leigh) will perform on our end for the entire group of registrants as detailed in Potentiate Your DNA. You can even be asleep during the ceremony if you find yourself drifting off or in a faraway time zone.
To read more detailed information on preparing for the session, we encourage you to download the free chapters from Potentiate Your DNA here and start by reading Chapter 8 beginning with the section, “Know that All Healing Is Self-healing.”
The distance aspect of this work is addressed in various places, including our FAQ and Timeline & Principles page. It is worth noting that Potentiation is typically performed at a distance. In fact, virtually all of our client feedback stems from remote sessions.
Suggested Minimum Donation
How much it costs to participate depends on you. You only need to receive Potentiation once. The suggested minimum donation is $170—a savings of $65 off our normal fee for Potentiation. Select one of the options below.
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Paying It Forward
If you are unable to come up with the funds and wish to donate less or even experience the Ceremony free of charge, that is okay, too. There are many ways you can pay Potentiation and the Regenetics Method forward:
Share information about the Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony with your network
- Send us your own Testimonial
- Leave your review on Amazon of Potentiate Your DNA and/or Conscious Healing
- Become a fan of Sol Luckman and review his books on Goodreads
To register for our upcoming Ceremony, simply fill out the form below. Use a separate email address for each person registering including children if possible. Please provide your date of birth as a point of reference to help the Potentiation energy connect with you. We never share this information with third parties. If you prefer to use a nickname or spiritual name in lieu of your legal name, go for it.
You must be at least 12 years old to register. Unless you are a parent, guardian or caregiver of another person you wish to register, please limit registration only to yourself.
After you register, look for a reminder email in your inbox prior to the Ceremony that will include additional tips for preparing yourself and getting the most out of your Potentiation. Please check your bulk/spam folder and white list the Phoenix Center for Regenetics if necessary.
Following the Ceremony, we will send you another email with even more information for maximizing your Potentiation experience, including how to identify your Electromagnetic Group (energy family), interpret your Electromagnetic Schematic, and track your Potentiation timeline over the course of the forty-two week unfoldment of this dynamic process.
We invite you to ask your questions and join the discussion on the Regenetics Method Forum, where $25 gives you a lifetime membership.
Questions before Getting Started
We have endeavored to provide you with everything you need to understand Potentiation, register for the next Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony, and get the most out of this work moving forward.
If after thoroughly reviewing this page and the linked materials, you still have questions, feel free to contact us.
To your potential! Learn how to potentiate yourself.