• “This amazing process completely changed my life."

    Eileen Day McKusick, author, TUNING THE HUMAN BIOFIELD

  • POTENTIATE YOUR DNA “is a gift of love, offering to all a simple, profound, elegant system of personal empowerment and self-healing."

    Carolyn Barnes, author, RETURN TO EASE

  • POTENTIATE YOUR DNA “is both fascinating and an astounding, perhaps even world-changing theory."


  • "If you love the cutting-edge of the cutting-edge, read POTENTIATE YOUR DNA!"

    David Kamnitzer, DC, San Jose, California

  • "Regenetics should be the starting place of every health practice."

    Julie TwoMoon, NMD, Plymouth, Michigan

  • "This is revolutionary healing science expanding the boundaries of being."


  • "The highly effective Regenetics Method opens the door to a completely new kind of mind-body-spirit medicine."


  • "The Regenetics Method is personal evolution accelerated."

    Brendan D. Murphy, Sydney, Australia

  • "Regenetics has been the holy grail for me."

    Darlene Crystal, West Harrison, New York

  • "Your work is truly inspiring in how you were able to interpret the Law of One, Sound and Light."

    Paulette Hansen, Crested Butte, Colorado

  • "The Regenetics Method has taken me into a new level in my own consciousness."

    Amanda Velloen, Pretoria, South Africa

  • "I believe Regenetics is worth more than you are charging. It is so clear that it works, and even the sequence and timeline are accurate."

    Beverly Welbourne, Goshen, Ohio

  • "If you wish to have a greater conscious experience of yourself as a spiritual physical being, the Regenetics Method is definitely for you."

    David Masson, Montreal, Canada

  • "Regenetics has tremendously improved my work as a therapist as well as my personal relationships. As a fringe benefit, I'm often told I look ten years younger!"

    Angelika Wienrich, London, United Kingdom

  • "I have just completed the fourth activation of the Regenetics Method, and immediately I had a totally new perception of Oneness."

    Peter Shepherd, Neuilly, France

  • "I highly recommend the Regenetics Method. It is effective and efficient, and is also a great value!"

    Lillian Bajor, Los Angeles, California

  • "This one modality directly and permanently promotes transformation at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. I am forever grateful I found Regenetics."

    Martha Snee, Wood-Ridge, New Jersey

Songs of Distinction

Songs of Distinction at a Glance ...

Focus: glands & related organ systems
Duration: ongoing
Minimum Eligibility: 42-week mark following Potentiation (supplemental)
Some Reported Benefits: detoxification; strengthening; hormonal balancing; neurotransmitter balancing; release of hormonal and neurotransmitter residue linked to trauma; mental clarity; emotional healing; greater abundance; better sex life; youthing

Songs of Distinctions are powerful “ener-genetic” fortifications designed to assist with rehydration, remineralization and beyond as of the end of the nine-month (42-week) “gestation cycle” of Potentiation.

For clients reaching the end of Potentiation, Songs of Distinction build on the restored bioenergy blueprint established through the first phase of the Regenetics Method.

Read more about Potentiation.

How Songs of Distinction Work

Both experientially and as measured through quantum biofeedback, Songs of Distinction work directly on specific glands and related organ systems to stimulate physical rebuilding as well as mental, emotional and even spiritual reprogramming.

In addition, Songs of Distinction encourage detoxification—which can include old hormonal and neurotransmitter residue clogging up cell receptor sites, blocking cellular nourishment and elimination, and biochemically “locking in” self-limiting behavioral patterns.

In one of the masterpieces devoted to the current Shift in consciousness occurring in the human species, Starseed—The Third Millennium, Ken Carey offers the following inspirational passages:

When you love fully, without reservation, you feel, sense, and move within love’s rhythmic current. The definition songs that pulse through your soul are free to call out the excellence of your surroundings. As you allow love to flow out from within you, you will remember things that you had forgotten about these physical realms.

You will remember that everything has a soul song that is at once its definition and its expression. You will recognize all that lives in this blessed biosphere ... as objectifications of your own melodies, and consciously then you will sing the Songs of Distinction, the songs that call forth all that appears in this planetary environment.

A sculptor can always use hammer and chisel, but if she can sing the right songs, the songs that speak the true names, the songs that go to the very heart of the matter with which she works, she can inspire that matter to participate intelligently in its own development and re-creation.

Songs of Distinction employ what we understand as the true names of glands and organ systems, sung using the sacred Solfeggio scale in tandem with a special set of “meta-genetic” instructions adapted from the vowel-only phonetic code used in Regenetics, to encourage a deep level of cleansing and fortification.

This is accomplished as DNA is keyed to broadcast instructions into the individual’s restored bioenergy blueprint, which then routes torsion energy to the appropriate gland, which in turn hormonally stimulates higher levels of organic function.

“When you perceive conceptions ... of yet unmanifest physical possibilities,” writes Carey in a virtual description of this process,

you will be able ... to guide the molecular flow of appropriate substance into those designs ... Awakened, you know your human circuitry for what it is, a system of empathy, representation, and creation, designed to regulate and evoke biology.

It is important to emphasize that non-physical issues also can be addressed through Songs of Distinction.

For example, low self-esteem may be improved by rehydrating and remineralizing the brain, thus helping correct brain chemistry. Similarly, financial abundance can be promoted by working with one or both of the (pro)creative systems: the oral and reproductive.

Songs & Synergy

Additionally, Songs of Distinction, which can be experienced at any time during Elucidation and Transcension, work synergistically to cross-fortify each other.

For instance, to strengthen the mouth, teeth and gums, it might be appropriate to experience Songs for the oral, nervous and musculoskeletal systems.

We suggest experiencing no more than one Song per month to allow time for integration.

While encouraging clients to listen to their intuition as to which Songs to choose, we are happy to propose individual Songs or packages. Recently, in response to popular demand, we created six special packages (see below).

Alphabetized List of Songs

Following is a full alphabetical list of Songs of Distinction characterized by organ system.

You must have completed the nine-month (42-week) Potentiation cycle to be eligible to receive these fortifications.

1. Auditory
2. Cell Production
3. Cellular Energy (includes Krebs cycle)
4. Central Nervous (includes brain, spinal cord)
5. Circulatory (includes heart, arteries, veins, capillaries, blood)
6. Dermal (includes hair, skin, nails)
7. Digestive (includes large intestine, small intestine, stomach)
8. Endocrine
9. Immune
10. Liver/Gall Bladder
11. Mucous Membrane
12. Musculoskeletal (includes bones, muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, cartilage)
13. Nervous
14. Olfactory
15. Optical
16. Oral (includes gums, teeth, tongue)
17. Pancreatic
18. Reproductive (male, female)
19. Respiratory
20. Sinus (includes limbic system)
21. Urinary (includes bladder, kidneys)

Experiencing Songs

Songs of Distinction can be sung in any order. All Songs are performed remotely at a prearranged time in sessions that last thirty minutes.

As with the rest of the Regenetics Method, there is NO telephone call to initiate or conduct sessions.

Clients can opt to experience Songs of Distinction by selecting one at a time for a fee of $210 per Song; choose one of the special discounted packages detailed below; or customize their own package of three Songs ($545) or five Songs ($895).

When selecting a package, for which a receipt will be provided with instructions for ongoing scheduling, please keep in mind that a limit of one Song may be experienced per month.

If you wish to experience Songs of Distinction with the Developers, payment options are provided here, and we ask that you contact us for scheduling information.

Special Packages

Connection $545
Enhance your relationship to self and others by strengthening your heart, expression, and healthy sexuality.

Circulatory (includes heart, arteries, veins, capillaries, blood)
Oral (includes gums, teeth, tongue)

Creativity $545
Promote your creativity in all areas by fortifying your central nervous system and principal organs of self-expression.

Central Nervous (includes brain, spinal cord)
Oral (includes gums, teeth, tongue)

Energy $545
Increase your energy by strengthening your core foundation.

Cell Production
Cellular Energy (includes Krebs cycle)

Release $545
Encourage proper elimination, as well release of old patterns, by working directly with your eliminative systems.

Digestive (includes large intestine, small intestine, stomach)
Liver/Gall Bladder
Urinary (includes bladder, kidneys)

Enhance cellular communication and support healthy glandular functioning and hormonal balance for a calmer nervous system ... and life.

Central Nervous (includes brain, spinal cord)
Circulatory (includes heart, arteries, veins, capillaries, blood)

Circuitry $895
Establish faster and clearer internal communication for enhanced functioning in all areas of your life.

Cell Production
Cellular Energy (includes Krebs cycle)
Central Nervous (includes brain, spinal cord)
Circulatory (includes heart, arteries, veins, capillaries, blood)

Cleanse $895
Let it all go with this deep-reaching set of five fortifications.

Digestive (includes large intestine, small intestine, stomach)
Liver/Gall Bladder
Urinary (includes bladder, kidneys)

Read more about Sessions & Fees.


The Phoenix Center for Regenetics welcomes your contributions to our ongoing research & development.

Many thanks & blessings for helping us help people actualize their potential!