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DNA Monthly (Vol. 12, No. 4)

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September-October 2016 (Vol. 12, No. 4)

Preorder The Angel’s Dictionary & Receive a Free Gift of the Award-winning Snooze: A Story of Awakening

Here's a small alphabetized sampling of the warped humor in the form of satirical definitions to be found in my forthcoming book, The Angel’s Dictionary.

antidepressant: (n.) any of various energetic techniques for warding off parasitic friends, colleagues, and family members.

bathroom: (n.) where Americans go to argue about gender while the country goes down the toilet.

census: (n.) being counted so we can be discounted.

Dowist: (n.) blind believer in the stock market.

environmental pollution: (n.) China’s largest export.

fanny-pack: (v.) to put on a few extra pounds during the holiday season.

global warming: (n.) result of excessive hot-air emissions by climate scientists.

hospital: (n.) where the healthy go to get misdiagnosed and the sick go to get mistreated.

Learn more about The Angel’s Dictionary here. Preorder any format before the official release date of January 1, 2017 and receive a complimentary mobi or epub version of my award-winning novel, Snooze: A Story of Awakening.

Winner of the National Indie Excellence® Award (2015), Snooze (read an excerpt) is the riveting, coming-of-age tale of one extraordinary boy’s awakening to the world-changing reality of his dreams. Join Max Diver, aka “Snooze,” along the razor's edge of a quest to rescue his astronaut father from a fate stranger than death in the exotic, perilous Otherworld of sleep.

Thanks for reading!

Sol Luckman


1. 3 Scientific Game Changers that Will Transform Medicine” by Kelly Brogan, MD

2. Stop Blaming Your Genes—You Are in Control of You” by Mae Chan

3. Relating the Ancient Vedic to Ascension, Dimensions, Extraterrestrials & More!” by Vinita

4. The Eight Marks of Fascist Policy” by Llewyllyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

5. Are We Living Inside a Virtual Simulation?” by Jon Rappoport

Featured Videos ... Graham Hancock: Forgotten Sixth-sense Technologies of the Ancient World & Dr. Ron Paul: Abolish the FDA

1. 3 Scientific Game Changers that Will Transform Medicine

Kelly Brogan, MD, GreenMedInfo

Think diseases run in the family? Think again.

Have you ever worried about “getting” breast cancer because your mom and aunt both had it? What about Bipolar Disorder (yes, psychiatry capitalizes its diagnoses for extra emphasis!) or Lupus? It has probably felt like you have a ticking time bomb inside you and you just want to know when it’s going to go off. When that diagnosis is going to be delivered. Women like Angelina Jolie have engaged willful mutilation in the name of the persistent belief that genes are destiny.

This is simply not true.

“It runs in my family” no longer means what we once believed it to.

You may not know this yet, but the whole game has changed and we are several decades into the most powerful shift in scientific thinking in the past 300 years. Science, when handled with care, is a process, not a destination.

Science fundamentally reflects our native curiosity, our creative impulse, and our sense of wonder. Along the line, however, it began to take on a different flavor. With men like Newton, Darwin, and Descartes at the microphone, a culture of reductionism, force-based perceptions around the nature of reality, and separation of spirit and matter all predicated the culture of ruthless medicine we are steeped in today. We war against nature, our bodies, and each other. There’s good and bad. There’s the illusion of the objective. We pray at the altar of facts and data.

I used to think that science meant answers and solutions. And now I don’t. Here’s why.

Anyone who has plumbed the depths of science, either through study, primary research, or experimentation, will reach the limitations of belief in science as the be all end all. Beyond this glass ceiling is the sense of wonder that is stripped from the soulless realm of modern biology. The amazing thing is that the past several decades have furnished a new kind of science. It’s a science of inquiry rather than utility. The conclusions of today’s abstracts seem to read, “Isn’t this amazing?” rather than “Here is confirmation that this drug is necessary to manage our wayward biology.” In essence, it reflects a new story about our role in the holobiont, or the more purposeful station we occupy in the web of nature.

In this new story, we are not the result of several billion years of random mutations and survival of the fittest. Instead, we are adapting, as Lamarck once suggested (and even Darwin acquiesced), purposefully. This purposeful adaptation means that we are interacting with our environment in a co-creative dance with balances and micro/macro feedback loops to keep a certain meta-order intact.

A focus on genes made lifestyle irrelevant.

When I was in training, I had one hour of nutrition education that essentially positioned food as caloric currency. Why would it matter if we were born with the diseases we would ultimately struggle with? In gene-based science, toxicant exposure, rest, nutrition, and relationships are clearly window dressing considerations. (Jonathan Latham’s work on identifying the historical influence of the Tobacco industry on the push towards the human genome project and gene-centricism in medical science is amazing.)

With the completion of the human genome, however, we learned that we have fewer protein-coding genes than an earthworm. This means that the genes we thought made us who we are, don’t.


We had to go back to the drawing board. Where on earth does our seemingly infinite uniqueness come from? How are diseases manifesting if not genetically?

And a new science was born. It was named epigenetics.

Epigenetics encompasses all that is beyond the genes (it actually means “above”) and includes modulators, modifiers, and any influence on the expression of genes and even the possibility that nonhuman genes may play an expressive role in human physiology. It also refers to the the almost 99% of our genome that was once pejoratively called “junk DNA” and now is more mystically referred to as Dark Matter, as Dr. Jeff Bland describes here.

One of the most powerful examples of the relevance of epigenetics is the lore of the “breast cancer gene.” Jolie and many other women have succumbed to the hex or the belief that they are cursed by their genes, doomed to develop diseased breasts, ovaries, and uteruses if they just go on living with them in their bodies.

The literature, itself claims that gene mutations such as the “breast cancer gene” or BRCA seems to be doing different things over time. Doesn’t that mean, by definition, that we are talking about epigenetics? Because the risk of a gene itself should not change over time. An oft-cited study concludes:

Risks appear to be increasing with time: Breast cancer risk by age 50 among mutation carriers born before 1940 was 24%, but among those born after 1940 it was 67%.

In a timely meta-analysis entitled Worse Breast Cancer Prognosis of BRCA1/BRCA2 Mutation Carriers: What’s the Evidence? A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis, the authors conclude:

Our review shows that, in contrast to currently held beliefs of many oncologists and despite 66 published studies, it is not yet possible to draw evidence-based conclusions about the association between BRCA1 and/or BRCA2 mutation carriership and breast cancer prognosis. We only found sufficient evidence for a 10% worse unadjusted recurrence-free survival for BRCA1 mutation carriers. For all the other outcomes the evidence was judged to be indecisive.

This reflects a more modern understanding that only about 1% of diseases are truly genetic in nature (i.e., due to a congenitally inherited and irreversible gene defect), and that we may very well have misunderstood our interpretation of these genes’ functions. The rest is lifestyle. In other words, we create our experience and determine our destiny.

As we embrace our agency in our own bodily experience, we must embrace complexity and take off the blinders of our one gene—one ill—one pill model of thinking. As you open your mind to this shift underfoot, a shift into a more ecological type of medicine, a more collaborative, communal, and connected type of medicine, revel in what the more beautiful science is showing us about our need to let go of what we once believed. It served us, but its time has passed.

Here are the three most powerful game changers in recent literature.

Gamechanger #1: The Microbiome

An extension of one cause-one problem dialectical thinking is the rush to characterize microbes as pathogens, as bad guys. We have done so for as long as we have been seeking to control and dominate nature. Pestilence and contagion have fit neatly into the lighthouse beam of fear that we sweep across our psychic terrain. But even Pasteur, arguably the father of germ theory, on his deathbed, was reported to say: “I was wrong. The microbe (germ) is nothing. The terrain (milieu) is everything.”

What is the terrain though? The implication is that we are, in fact, an ecosystem, positioned within an ecosystem. There is no linearity, so that when we pull one thread of the spider web, the entire thing moves.

With the dawning of our awareness that microbes including fungi, bacteria, viruses, and others, live in and around us, we ceased to be human in the ways we had come to believe. We are not, in fact, humans trying to uphold and protect our humanity in a sea of invaders. We are a meta-organism, a holobiont interfacing with a greater whole, like a fractal repetition of a pattern.

With the emergence of science seeking to study the microbiome, primarily in the gut, we have learned that these bacteria have the capacity to perform some of our most vital human functions, and some that seem to be eerily custodial. Take, for example, the fact that there are bacteria in our guts that have evolved to detoxify the chemicals in an average dry cleaner. How could they possibly have foreseen the need for this function? Then there’s the digestion, barrier protection, immune signaling, hormone balancing, and brain controlling functions of the microbiome.

Through this lens, our tonsils and appendix are no longer vestigial, and the special role of a woman’s physiology is recentered as the conduit through which this microbiome passes from mother to fetus, and even through the inheritance of our primary cellular energy production sites—the mitochondria—themselves, ancient bacteria that were assimilated into the human organism over a billion years ago.

Because we know this now, we cannot war against nature any longer. Vaccines, antibiotics, hand sanitizers and bleach are necessarily brought under scrutiny. We will never win this battle because it’s not a battle meant to be won. Nature will continue to remind us of this with the emergence of superbugs, pharmaceutical damage, and disturbed immunity.

The term dysbiosis, used by holistic and integrative practitioners to refer to gut imbalance, of course, actually means “wrong living.” No doubt our struggles today stem from a lack of connection to the natural world. It is, in this way, poetic justice that we would only be able to heal our guts, right our relationship to the microbial world through food—nature’s gift, bounty, and language.

Gamechanger #2: Exosomes

The nail in the coffin of protein-coding-gene-determined-health is a group of tiny bubble-like blobs that influence gene expression. Amazingly similar to viruses in nature, structure, and possibly even function, exosomes are created and received by our bodily cells in order to direct, determine, and react to states of being.

40-100nm in diameter, exosomes typically carry something called micro RNA or miRNA which are key regulators of gene expression, naturally impacted by environmental factors, from toxicants, nutrition, and lifestyle patterns.

In fact, seminal research has demonstrated that stable miRNAs are transferred from plants including rice and ginger into mammalian physiology where they then serve to regulate gene expression. Once again, food is reframed as so much more than calories and nutrients … it is information.

Researchers are suggesting that infant assessments of miRNA patterns may help to identify fetal brain injury from toxic exposures including mercury, aluminum, and medications at birth, so that healing protocols can be prioritized and initiated. Powerfully, however, in order to understand the “signatures” of different disease states, we would have to study them in their natural unfoldment, without pharmaceutical interventions, before we could ascertain what is evidence of illness and what is evidence of medication effect. The authors state clearly:

“In addition, one must control for the influence of psychotropic drugs on miRNA expression since several studies showed that lithium, haloperidol, or valproate induced changes of the miRNA profiles in brain.”

This, of course, is why preventive medicine involves interfacing with the environment in a language that the body understands based on millions of years of co-evolution.

Gamechanger #3: Belief

When I was in training, the placebo effect was framed as a nuisance factor that needed to be controlled for. I now understand that the placebo effect doesn’t mean that you were fooled or tricked. It doesn’t mean you’re making it up or that you’re gullible. It means that a complex physiologic cascade of events was kicked off by your experience of taking a pill with the promise of relief.

It is rapidly being characterized as the most important driver of outcomes in everything from psychiatry to surgery.

My research on the placebo effect has helped me to understand that psychiatric medications, and specifically antidepressants, are more risk than benefit, and that I cannot achieve meaningful outcomes with patients who do not fundamentally believe that their bodies can heal.

How could it be that belief is this important?

Dr. Candace Pert, the pioneering researcher credited with the discovery of the opiate receptor, has debunked the Cartesian dualism that for hundreds of years has put the mind out of the realm of the body. She also challenged the notion that the mind is something that merely relates to the body. The mind, per her conclusions, is the body.

In fact, she used the language of the bodymind and elucidated how neuropeptides travel around the body encoding emotion in different tissues and organs. The shape of these peptides, or their conformation, further transmitted information to recipient cells. All of the sudden, informational transfer takes on another dimension—vibration.

Another pioneer of the role of belief in cellular physiology, Dr. Bruce Lipton was several decades ahead of his time in establishing the role of environment and belief in the body’s physiology. His work has decentralized the nucleus (where the genes are housed) and focused on the cell membrane as an information-processing interface with the environment.

Taken together, this research all seems to suggest that we are a product of our energetic experience in the context of a greater whole. Even physics is mirroring this with the emergence of theories like Rupert Sheldrake’s morphic resonance, which suggests that collective experiences set a potential template for individual experiences in a type of memory transfer that has little to do with genes.

We are not random genes driving a purposeless life until we die.

It appears that human experience is not as it has been previously framed and echoed by philosopher Alan Watts—flesh robots on a dead rock in the middle of nowhere. When the human experience is reduced in this way, its most essential elements are denied—beauty, spirit, meaning.

In fact, human experience is the universe manifested at one point. It is the emergent properties of many, infinitely complex and interfacing systems. It is fundamentally sacred, larger than our will, and gently demanding of our humility.

This is the teleologic perspective—one in which the purpose rather than the cause is the explanation of phenomena. I reflect on this when I consider how adaptable our bodies are—in real time, within hours—and how we have not adapted fully to the lifestyles we have felt entitled to over the past 100 years. We live from our egos with total disregard for nature, each other, and our own bodily vessels. And we are sicker than we have ever been, from cradle to grave. It seems that we are not “meant” to adapt to this way of living and we are reminded of this through the signals of illness. We are called back to the Continuum through our anxiety, depression, and illness. We are reminded that we haven’t figured it out, that science is not and cannot be used merely as a tool for control, and that consciousness as an emergent property of our physiologic web is a gift.

The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science … the mystery of the eternity of life, and the inkling of the marvelous structure of reality, together with the single-hearted endeavor to comprehend a portion, be it ever so tiny, of the reason that manifests itself in nature.—Einstein

Copyright © [4/1/16] GreenMedInfo LLC. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of GreenMedInfo LLC. Want to learn more from GreenMedInfo? Sign up for the newsletter here http://www.greenmedinfo.com/greenmed/newsletter.

Dr. Kelly Brogan is boarded in Psychiatry/Psychosomatic Medicine/Reproductive Psychiatry and Integrative Holistic Medicine and practices Functional Medicine, a root-cause approach to illness as a manifestation of multiple-interrelated systems. After studying Cognitive Neuroscience at MIT and receiving her MD from Cornell University, she completed her residency and fellowship at Bellevue/NYU. She is one of the nation’s only physicians with perinatal psychiatric training who takes a holistic evidence-based approach in the care of patients with a focus on environmental medicine and nutrition. She is also a mom of two and an active supporter of women’s birth experience. She is the Medical Director for Fearless Parent and an advisory board member for GreenMedInfo.com. Visit her website.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.

Featured Video ... Graham Hancock
: Forgotten Sixth-sense Technologies of the Ancient World 

2. Stop Blaming Your Genes—You Are in Control of You

Mae Chan

There is a chronic anxiety among populations who focus on the diseases acquired by their genetic line. Many define the potential of their own health based on what happened to their father and mother. Although a great deal of who we are appears to have been written in our genes, our actual health potential is more determined by our lifestyle, what we consume, our environment—but more than anything else, what we think.

Every thought creates a physiological response in the body, or in other words, every thought we think produces a physical reality. Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known for ages that our body is programmable by language, words and thought. This has now been scientifically proven and explained.

Studies at the world-leading Minnesota Center for Twin and Family Research suggest that many of our traits are more than 50% inherited, including obedience to authority, vulnerability to stress, and risk-seeking. Researchers have even suggested that when it comes to issues such as religion and politics, our choices are much more determined by our genes than we think.

Many find this disturbing. The idea that unconscious biological forces drive our beliefs and actions would seem to pose a real threat to our free will. We like to think that we make choices on the basis of our own conscious deliberations. But isn’t all that thinking things over irrelevant if our final decision was already written in our genetic code? And doesn’t the whole edifice of personal responsibility collapse if we accept that “my genes made me do it”?

Genes are only part of our health story, explains Jeffrey S. Bland, PhD, FACN, FACB, author of the book, Genetic Nutritioneering: How You Can Modify Inherited Traits & Live a Longer, Healthier Life. The propensity for certain health conditions that you inherit from your family is not, by a long shot, the sole determinant of whether or not most folks will get sick. Your lifestyle choices have a significant impact, especially when it comes to chronic illnesses such as heart disease.

Epigenetic Switch

In the fields of infant nutrition, diabetes, obesity, and metabolic syndrome, the term “metabolic programming” has been coined to give a name to the observation that environmental experiences early in life may be “genomically” remembered and give rise to health outcomes manifesting later in life. Epigenetics emerges as an important mechanism underlying this phenomenon.

Epigenetics is the phenomenon whereby genetically identical cells express their genes differently, resulting in different physical traits. Researchers from the Boston University Cancer Center published two articles about this in Anitcancer Research & Epigenomics.

Cancer progression is extremely complex, however. It also is well known that new mutations and the activation of more cancer-causing genes occur throughout the development and progression of cancer.

“If we believe that everything in nature occurs in an organized fashion, then it is logical to assume that cancer development cannot be as disorganized as it may seem,” said Sibaji Sarkar, PhD, instructor of medicine at BUSM and the articles corresponding author. “There should be a general mechanism that initiates cancer progression from predisposed progenitor cells, which likely involves epigenetic changes.”

Increasingly, biologists are finding that non-genetic variation acquired during the life of an organism can sometimes be passed on to offspring—a phenomenon known as epigenetic inheritance.

The majority of epigenetic changes occur at specific times in an individual’s life, from their time in the womb, to the development as newborns, then in puberty, and again in old age.

Environmental factors that influence epigenetic patterns—e.g., diet, epigenetic disruptors in the environment such as chemicals, etc.—may also have long-term, multigenerational effects.

In recent years, faith in the explanatory power of genes has waned. Today, few scientists believe that there is a simple “gene for” anything. Almost all inherited features or traits are the products of complex interactions of numerous genes combined with processes we have no concept of. However, the fact that there is no one genetic trigger has not by itself undermined the claim that many of our deepest character traits, dispositions and even opinions are genetically determined. This worry is only slightly tempered by what we are learning about epigenetics, which shows how many inherited traits only get “switched on” in certain environments.

The common mistake people make is to assume that if, for example, a disease is 90% heritable, then 90% of people with that disease inherited the condition from their parents. But heritability is not about “chance or risk of passing it on,” said Tim Spector, Professor of Genetics and author. “It simply means how much of the variation within a given population is down to genes. Crucially, this will be different according to the environment of that population.”

Cellular Inheritance

Biologists have suspected for years that some kind of epigenetic inheritance occurs at the cellular level. The different kinds of cells in our bodies provide an example. Skin cells and brain cells have different forms and functions, despite having exactly the same DNA. There must be mechanisms—other than DNA—that make sure skin cells stay skin cells when they divide.

The existence of this epigenetic switch is indirectly supported by the fact that tumors develop through different stages. When cells rapidly grow during cancer progression, they become stuck in their current stage of development and their cell characteristics do not change. This is the reason that there are so many types of leukemia—the characteristics that a leukemia cell possesses when it begins to rapidly grow and expand are the characteristics that it will keep until the rapid growth stops.

Dr. Bruce Lipton refers to the work of Dr. Dean Ornish to extrapolate: “Dr. Ornish has taken conventional cardiovascular patients, provided them with important lifestyle insights (better diet, stress-reduction techniques, and so on), and without drugs, the cardiovascular disease was resolved. Ornish relayed that if he’d gotten the same results with a drug, every doctor would be prescribing it.”

Even the strictest lifestyle changes don’t cure cancer in everyone. What about genetic predispositions to getting the disease? “It used to be that we thought a mutant gene caused cancer,” Lipton admits,“but with epigenetics, all of that has changed.”

“If we believe that all of the irreversible changes, mutations and effects of carcinogens make cells rapidly grow, then the mechanism that allows cells to stop growing and assume new changes in character must be of great importance,” added Sarkar. “The study of cancer progression is key to understanding how cancer cells continue to differentiate.” During cancer progression, there are different stages of rapid growth and differentiation. The control that allows for this switch between growth and differentiation can only be achieved through reversible mechanisms, such as epigenetic changes.

Sarkar and colleagues have previously proposed that epigenetic changes are involved in cancer progenitor cell formation and cancer progression. They also believe that epigenetic changes have the ability to control rapid growth and change of characteristics (different grades/types of tumors) which may involve physiological processes that the cancer cells are subjected to within the body’s terrain.

Identical twins show us that in the nature-versus-nurture debate, there is no winner. Both have their role to play in shaping who we are. But although we have reason to doubt that our genes determine our lives in some absolute way, this does not solve a bigger worry about whether or not we have free will.

Who we are appears to be a product of both nature, nurture and consciousness itself in whatever proportion they contribute. You are often shaped by forces beyond yourself and can choose what you become. And so when you go on to make the choices in life that really matter, you do so on the basis of beliefs, values and dispositions that you have chosen whether you are conscious of those choices or not.

It is very possible that our entire reality is defined but what we feel and this shapes what we are. We always have free choice and will to make ourselves into something that we believe we are. The question is, do you believe it?



Mae Chan is a writer for PreventDisease.com.

This article was originally published on PreventDisease.com, which states that this content may be copied, without permission, whether reproduced digitally or in print, provided copyright, reference and source information are intact and use is strictly for not-for-profit purposes.

3. Relating the Ancient Vedic to Ascension, Dimensions, Extraterrestrials & More!


Ascension, dimensions, beings and UFOs have always existed, and the ancient Vedic civilization considered itself part of a greater universal family. The Vedas and Puranas have extensive descriptions of star races, space ships, ascended masters, and so on; but in Vedic terms.

In this age we read spiritual terms in English. In ancient traditions the language and terms, though different, refer to the same things.

When we are able to find the relationship between definitions, suddenly we realize a lot of commonalities between the ancient, the new, the scientific, and the spiritual. This somehow confirms that it must be the truth if so many for so long are saying the same thing.

Now we hear the terms “Ascension,” “Dimensions,” “Beings,” “Extraterrestrials,” “Soul,” “Consciousness,” and so on.

In Vedic terminology,“Lokhs” relates to Dimensions.

“Beings” and “Extraterrestrials” relate to the different classes of beings mentioned in the Vedas and Puranas.

There are fourteen Lokhs. Seven lower or descending Lokhs exist below the physical universe. The seven higher Lokhs are:

  • “Bhu”—the physical 3-dimensional universe.
  • “Bhuvar”—that includes the souls that have passed on and relates to the 4th dimension;
  • “Svah” or “Dev” Lokh where the Devas and some Rishis reside. These Devi-Devatas (deities) are beings of light. “Dev” means the luminous one, or one who illumines. This Lokh broadly relates to the 5th dimension.

These are the 3 Lokhs in which most souls recycle from birth to death to birth again, or the cycle of “Samsara.”

Then there is “Maha” (6th dimension), “Jana” (7th dimension), “Tapa” (8th dimension), and the highest, “Brahma/Satya” Lokh (9th dimension). All these are part of creation, or greater reality. What we see as the physical universe is only the 3-dimensional reality or “Bhu” Lokh.

All these Lokhs are still in the sphere of creation, duality, or Maya. It is beyond this that is Brahman, the Ultimate Supreme Consciousness. Time slows down and space expands as we move into higher Lokhs or dimensions. These are not physical but subtle realms.

Devas—Light Beings

The “Extraterrestrials” and “Beings” we read about relate to the many subtle forms of beings that are mentioned in the Vedic texts. These include the Devas, Asuras, Rishis, Siddhas, Kinnars, Yakshas, Gandharvas, Manas Putras, Prajapatis, Kumaras, Avatars, and so on.

In addition to these subtle forms, there may be physical forms of beings on other planets, like humans, described in these texts. We don’t talk about it now in the Kali Yuga, but prior to the Kali Yuga other beings, dimensions, higher states of consciousness and special abilities such as telepathy and clairvoyance were common and normal.

Sananda, Sanat Kumar, Sanak & Sanatan

Our ancient texts talk about mind-born sons (Manas Putras), or subtle thought forms, of Brahma (the creator deity). Four of these are the Kumars; they never age. Their names are Sanat Kumar (who manifests as Maha-avatar Babaji), Sanandan (the oversoul of Jesus), Sanak, and Sanatan.

These mind-born sons of Brahma also include the seven original Rishis, also called Prajapatis, the creator beings. These were not physical forms but thought forms. These beings last as long as creation lasts.

Then there are beings which are light forms, Devas. Many of these beings (including Rishis) came to earth and started human civilization or mingled with humans for progeny. These stories are in the Puranas and Itihaas (epics) such as the Mahabharata.

Some physical forms were also organically growing here. A lot of these Rishis, Devatas, Siddhas, Avatars, etc., are also capable of taking physical form—i.e., descending from higher dimensions into the 3D earth dimension. That’s why the Rishis and people of ancient civilizations were so advanced in their knowledge. They were far more evolved beings which descended here on Earth and built advanced communities and cultures. Some of the remnants of this ancient civilization and knowledge can be found in the Vedas and other Vedic texts.


We are familiar with the blue-skinned Avatars, Sri Ram and Sri Krishna. They actually had blue skin, the texture of which was like that of dolphins. Avatars are one of the highest evolved beings in the Vedic tradition, higher than Devatas.

The Vedic texts also mention several Nakshatras, the main star of a constellation. There are 27 main Nakshatras, and one more, Abhijit, which is the star Vega. In the Gita, Sri Krishna says that he was from Vega.

Rudra, the Vedic deity of transformation, is associated with Ardra Nakshatra, which is the star Betelgeuse of the Orion constellation. The origins of the Indian race were seeded by beings from Vega and Sirius, and perhaps many others including Orion. The seven Rishis are the seven stars of Ursa Major. Subtle light beings were from those stars.

Kali Yuga to Satya Yuga

The Vedic texts mention the gradual decline in civilization through the ages, called Yugas. This relates to the decline in knowledge, Dharma (natural law), dropping from higher states of consciousness, and removal of the light aspect.

We are presently in the age of darkness (or ignorance), the Kali Yuga. In this Yuga we are as though in deep slumber. The light has been shut out and, because of this, dark forces are dominant. These include anger, hatred, greed, and other negative emotions.

Many of us are reincarnations of those same highly evolved beings of the ancient world, the Rishis, Siddhas, Devatas, Avatars, and other evolved beings. We have completely forgotten our true nature. We have lost our true history, so we think we are inferior beings struggling with darkness.

Now we pray to Gods such as Sri Krishna and Sri Ram and worship the Rishis and Devatas as though they are separate from us. When consciousness awakens in us, we remember our true nature, which becomes the Avatar consciousness in us, or the Christ consciousness in us. We will remember our history and connection with the greater universe, as one. There will be unity of consciousness among all beings.

That consciousness within us is subtle light; it is a higher vibration than the lower vibration of matter similar to the difference between water vapor and ice. When this realization and awakening happen in us, there will only be light and no darkness. This is like remembering, going back to what we really are. This is the return of the Satya Yuga, the age of truth and purity, as the Yugas are circular.

New age material talks about the coming of … a new age! This would be assisted by certain galactic waves of high-vibration energy. At the present time a lot of people will evolve to the 4th dimension and become more spiritual. Many are already in the 4th dimension/density prior to this “shift” into the new age.

You will read a lot about Ascension, referring to the evolution of a small percentage of people from the 4th dimension, carbon-based body, into the 5th dimension, becoming a “being of light.” This involves the carbon atom becoming a silicon (crystal) atom. Carbon conducts electromagnetic energy, and silicon crystals conduct light. The Deva Rupa or light being form is of the Svah/Dev Lokh.

New age masters also talk about Gaia (earth) transitioning from the 3rd dimension to the 4th dimension.

Moksha and Ascension

The concept of “Moksha” is liberation from the cycle of birth and death, transcending duality into a realization of Oneness, and merging back to Brahman (eternal universal consciousness).

The ascensional spiral is the evolutionary path of a soul through the various dimensions back to Source. Ascension at the current time means evolving to the 5th dimension, spirituality and physically, as discussed earlier. This means going beyond the cycle of birth and death, realization of Oneness, and, in terms of physical enlightenment, having an immortal light body. There are many variations on this core new age message.

Knowing the structure of creation is good; however, the main thing to realize is that we exist in Oneness, we are the Ultimate Supreme Consciousness, Brahman. There is only One. That One is both immanent and transcendental at the same time.

We live in exciting times. Let see where destiny is leading us!

It’s a beautiful endless journey in eternity and infinity. We are like one speck of a fractal, an exact replica of the whole that replicates itself infinitely.

Om Shantih!

This work by In5D is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International. This work as published here has undergone minor grammatical, orthographic and structural edits consistent with this license.

Vinita (www.vinitapande.com) is an author, certified sound healer, and meditation-pranayam-yoga teacher. She is here to love and serve others.

4. The Eight Marks of Fascist Policy

LLewyllyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

The most definitive study on fascism written in these years was As We Go Marching by John T. Flynn. Flynn was a journalist and scholar of a liberal spirit who had written a number of best-selling books in the 1920s. It was the New Deal that changed him. His colleagues all followed FDR into fascism, while Flynn himself kept the old faith. That meant that he fought FDR every step of the way, and not only his domestic plans. Flynn was a leader of the America First movement that saw FDR’s drive to war as nothing but an extension of the New Deal, which it certainly was.

As We Go Marching came out in 1944, just at the tail end of the war, and right in the midst of wartime economic controls the world over. It is a wonder that it ever got past the censors. It is a full-scale study of fascist theory and practice, and Flynn saw precisely where fascism ends: in militarism and war as the fulfillment of the stimulus spending agenda. When you run out of everything else to spend money on, you can always depend on nationalist fervor to back more military spending.

Flynn, like other members of the Old Right, was disgusted by the irony that what he saw, almost everyone else chose to ignore. After reviewing this long history, Flynn proceeds to sum up with a list of eight points he considers to be the main marks of the fascist state.

As I present them, I will also offer comments on the modern American central state.

Point 1. The government is totalitarian because it acknowledges no restraint on its powers.

If you become directly ensnared in the state’s web, you will quickly discover that there are indeed no limits to what the state can do. This can happen boarding a flight, driving around in your hometown, or having your business run afoul of some government agency. In the end, you must obey or be caged like an animal or killed. In this way, no matter how much you may believe that you are free, all of us today are but one step away from Guantanamo.

No aspect of life is untouched by government intervention, and often it takes forms we do not readily see. All of healthcare is regulated, but so is every bit of our food, transportation, clothing, household products, and even private relationships. Mussolini himself put his principle this way: “All within the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.” I submit to you that this is the prevailing ideology in the United States today. This nation, conceived in liberty, has been kidnapped by the fascist state.

Point 2. Government is a de facto dictatorship based on the leadership principle.

I wouldn’t say that we truly have a dictatorship of one man in this country, but we do have a form of dictatorship of one sector of government over the entire country. The executive branch has spread so dramatically over the last century that it has become a joke to speak of checks and balances.

The executive state is the state as we know it, all flowing from the White House down. The role of the courts is to enforce the will of the executive. The role of the legislature is to ratify the policy of the executive. This executive is not really about the person who seems to be in charge. The president is only the veneer, and the elections are only the tribal rituals we undergo to confer some legitimacy on the institution. In reality, the nation-state lives and thrives outside any “democratic mandate.” Here we find the power to regulate all aspects of life and the wicked power to create the money necessary to fund this executive rule.

Point 3. Government administers a capitalist system with an immense bureaucracy.

The reality of bureaucratic administration has been with us at least since the New Deal, which was modeled on the planning bureaucracy that lived in World War I. The planned economy—whether in Mussolini’s time or ours—requires bureaucracy. Bureaucracy is the heart, lungs, and veins of the planning state. And yet to regulate an economy as thoroughly as this one is today is to kill prosperity with a billion tiny cuts.

So where is our growth? Where is the peace dividend that was supposed to come after the end of the Cold War? Where are the fruits of the amazing gains in efficiency that technology has afforded? It has been eaten by the bureaucracy that manages our every move on this earth. The voracious and insatiable monster here is called the Federal Code that calls on thousands of agencies to exercise the police power to prevent us from living free lives.

It is as Bastiat said: the real cost of the state is the prosperity we do not see, the jobs that don’t exist, the technologies to which we do not have access, the businesses that do not come into existence, and the bright future that is stolen from us. The state has looted us just as surely as a robber who enters our home at night and steals all that we love.

Point 4. Producers are organized into cartels in the way of syndicalism.

Syndicalist is not usually how we think of our current economic structure. But remember that syndicalism means economic control by the producers. Capitalism is different. It places by virtue of market structures all control in the hands of the consumers. The only question for syndicalists, then, is which producers are going to enjoy political privilege. It might be the workers, but it can also be the largest corporations.

In the case of the United States, in the last three years, we’ve seen giant banks, pharmaceutical firms, insurers, car companies, Wall Street banks and brokerage houses, and quasi-private mortgage companies enjoying vast privileges at our expense. They have all joined with the state in living a parasitical existence at our expense.

Point 5. Economic planning is based on the principle of autarky.

Autarky is the name given to the idea of economic self-sufficiency. Mostly this refers to the economic self determination of the nation-state. The nation-state must be geographically huge in order to support rapid economic growth for a large and growing population.

Look at the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. We would be supremely naive to believe that these wars were not motivated in part by the producer interests of the oil industry. It is true of the American empire generally, which supports dollar hegemony. It is the reason for the North American Union.

Point 6. Government sustains economic life through spending and borrowing.

This point requires no elaboration because it is no longer hidden. In the latest round, and with a prime-time speech, Obama mused about how is it that people are unemployed at a time when schools, bridges, and infrastructure need repairing. He ordered that supply and demand come together to match up needed work with jobs.

Hello? The schools, bridges, and infrastructure that Obama refers to are all built and maintained by the state. That’s why they are falling apart. And the reason that people don’t have jobs is because the state has made it too expensive to hire them. It’s not complicated. To sit around and dream of other scenarios is no different from wishing that water flowed uphill or that rocks would float in the air. It amounts to a denial of reality.

As for the rest of this speech, Obama promised yet another long list of spending projects. But no government in the history of the world has spent as much, borrowed as much, and created as much fake money as the United States, all thanks to the power of the Fed to create money at will. If the United States doesn’t qualify as a fascist state in this sense, no government ever has.

Point 7. Militarism is a mainstay of government spending.

Have you ever noticed that the military budget is never seriously discussed in policy debates? The United States spends more than most of the rest of the world combined. And yet to hear our leaders talk, the United States is just a tiny commercial republic that wants peace but is constantly under threat from the world. Where is the debate about this policy? Where is the discussion? It is not going on. It is just assumed by both parties that it is essential for the US way of life that the United States be the most deadly country on the planet, threatening everyone with nuclear extinction unless they obey.

Point 8. Military spending has imperialist aims.

We’ve had one war after another, wars waged by the United States against noncompliant countries, and the creation of even more client states and colonies. US military strength has led not to peace but the opposite. It has caused most people in the world to regard the United States as a threat, and it has led to unconscionable wars on many countries. Wars of aggression were defined at Nuremberg as crimes against humanity.

Obama was supposed to end this. He never promised to do so, but his supporters all believed that he would. Instead, he has done the opposite. He has increased troop levels, entrenched wars, and started new ones. In reality, he has presided over a warfare state just as vicious as any in history. The difference this time is that the Left is no longer criticizing the US role in the world. In that sense, Obama is the best thing ever to happen to the warmongers and the military-industrial complex.

The Future

I can think of no greater priority today than a serious and effective antifascist alliance. In many ways, one is already forming. It is not a formal alliance. It is made up of those who protest the Fed, those who refuse to go along with mainstream fascist politics, those who seek decentralization, those who demand lower taxes and free trade, those who seek the right to associate with anyone they want and buy and sell on terms of their own choosing, those who insist they can educate their children on their own, the investors and savers who make economic growth possible, those who do not want to be felt up at airports, and those who have become expatriates.

It is also made of the millions of independent entrepreneurs who are discovering that the number one threat to their ability to serve others through the commercial marketplace is the institution that claims to be our biggest benefactor: the government.

How many people fall into this category? It is more than we know. The movement is intellectual. It is political. It is cultural. It is technological. They come from all classes, races, countries, and professions. This is no longer a national movement. It is truly global.

And what does this movement want? Nothing more or less than sweet liberty. It does not ask that the liberty be granted or given. It only asks for the liberty that is promised by life itself and would otherwise exist were it not for the Leviathan state that robs us, badgers us, jails us, kills us.

This movement is not departing. We are daily surrounded by evidence that it is right and true. Every day, it is more and more obvious that the state contributes absolutely nothing to our wellbeing; it massively subtracts from it.

Back in the 1930s, and even up through the 1980s, the partisans of the state were overflowing with ideas. This is no longer true. Fascism has no new ideas, no big projects—and not even its partisans really believe it can accomplish what it sets out to do. The world created by the private sector is so much more useful and beautiful than anything the state has done that the fascists have themselves become demoralized and aware that their agenda has no real intellectual foundation.

It is ever more widely known that statism does not and cannot work. Statism is the great lie. Statism gives us the exact opposite of its promise. It promised security, prosperity, and peace; it has given us fear, poverty, war, and death. If we want a future, it is one that we have to build ourselves. The fascist state will not give it to us. On the contrary, it stands in the way.

In the end, this is the choice we face: the total state or total freedom. Which will we choose? If we choose the state, we will continue to sink further and further and eventually lose all that we treasure as a civilization. If we choose freedom, we can harness that remarkable power of human cooperation that will enable us to continue to make a better world.

In the fight against fascism, there is no reason to be despairing. We must continue to fight with every bit of confidence that the future belongs to us and not them.

Their world is falling apart. Ours is just being built. Their world is based on bankrupt ideologies. Ours is rooted in the truth about freedom and reality. Their world can only look back to the glory days. Ours looks forward to the future we are building for ourselves.

Their world is rooted in the corpse of the nation-state. Our world draws on the energies and creativity of all peoples in the world, united in the great and noble project of creating a prospering civilization through peaceful human cooperation. We possess the only weapon that is truly immortal: the right idea. It is this that will lead to victory.

This article, licensed under a Creative Commons license, is excerpted from the article “What Is Fascism?,” originally published in The Free Market 29, no. 7 (Fall 2011).

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. is chairman and CEO of the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, editor of LewRockwell.com, and author of Fascism Versus Capitalism. Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; twitter.

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5. Are We Living Inside a Virtual Simulation?

Jon Rappoport

A 2012 study out of Bonn University led to a new round of speculation about the nature of the universe. (See here and here.)

The study proposes that cosmic rays undergo a strange energy shift. The energies are “re-fitted” to align with an underlying pattern or lattice. There is only one proper fit; no exceptions are permitted.

If the lattice is, indeed, a basic pixel-like Reality we are interacting with every day of our lives, then we could be living inside a created artifice.

A simulation.

Put this description alongside the hypothesis that the universe is a hologram: lines of code inscribed on a two-dimensional surface deliver instructions on how the lattice is built, and what its properties are.

In other words, the software which holographically projects the universe includes the exact structure of the lattice.

Then, by the rules of the game, energies which don’t automatically plug into the lattice framework precisely as they’re supposed to are “snapped to” a correct fit, as Mike Adams (Natural News) has suggested.

Mike has made the analogy to a television picture, which consists of pixels that have their own dimensions and structure. So if we imagine an all-encompassing “television picture,” this would be the lattice-controlled reality we live in.

In the long-term project of putting together my collections The Matrix Revealed and Exit From the Matrix, I did a great deal of research on other notions of creation or “reality-building.”

It is clear that at deep levels, propaganda turns into self-propaganda. In order to live inside a Matrix or universe, we would have to produce, in ourselves, an extraordinary level of amnesia about what we can create.

The ancient Tibetans knew a great deal about this conundrum. Before they became a theocratic society of rites and rituals and a rigorous elitism, they were daring adventurers on the edge of experiments in consciousness.

Relying on the teachings of itinerant outcast adepts from India, they developed a practice called, by a few later scholars, “deity visualization.” (See John Blodfeld, The Tantric Mysticism of Tibet.)

Perhaps based on an already existing mandala-painting, a teacher would give his student a very detailed and specific “personage” to create in his imagination. This effort, if it was successful at all, might take months or even years.

The objective was to mentally hold the complex image intact, in every detail, not just for a few seconds or minutes, but indefinitely. If the student was successful at this arduous task, he would soon find that the personage he created seemed to take on a life of its own.

The personage or deity would become the student’s friend and guide and give him valuable advice and counsel. When the teacher sensed this relationship had progressed to a very close point, he would order the student to get rid of the personage altogether.

This, it was said, was more difficult than the original act of creating it. But if the student was able to perform both aspects (creative and destructive) of the exercise, he would then realize, see, and know, with full consciousness, that THE UNIVERSE WAS A PRODUCT OF MIND.

At that crossroad, he would be able to spontaneously take apart pieces of “the hologram” or “the lattice,” and even create (out of nothing) new objects that hadn’t existed before.

Perhaps those Tibetan adepts, in their practice, actually saw the lattice or even the two-dimensional surface on which the holographic code of the cosmos is inscribed.

Another clue concerning the origin or underlying force that made the universe is revealed through a study of the famous alchemical diagram: two crossed staves.

The four endpoints were said to represent the basic aspects or elements of Nature: earth, air, fire, and water. According to some alchemical interpretations, these elements were in eternal conflict with one another.

The resolution of the conflict was represented by the center-place where the two staves met. This mysterious intersection was called Quintessence, and its meaning was long debated.

Paracelsus, one of the most famous of the European alchemists, seems to have thought that Quintessence was, in fact, imagination.

In other words, our creative power could change the inherent design of reality.

The history of millions of artists on this planet directly points to the fact that, when freed from restraints, human beings become enormously creative. Every painting, play, poem, novel is a world of its own; a universe. This suggests that the physical universe is but one work of art, out of a possible infinity of universes.

William Blake made several remarkable statements about the power of imagination:

“Some see nature all ridicule and deformity … and some scarce see nature at all. But to the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagination itself.”

“Imagination is the real and eternal world of which this vegetable universe is but a faint shadow.”

Of course, the notion of multiple universes is reflected in contemporary science. Physicist Brian Greene, author of The Hidden Reality, explains that Relativity and Quantum Theory, each highly useful in its own way, come into high mathematical conflict when set side by side.

One resolution of that conflict can be achieved through String Theory, in which tiny vibrating strings (in 10 or 11 dimensions) explain the makeup of this universe. But String Theory also suggests many surfaces or membranes or islands on which matter, energy, and time can exist: multiple universes.

No matter what force or power we say made this universe, a new day is here. We are coming to grips with the idea that the universe isn’t all the reality there is. Some find this disturbing. Others are inspired to feel it is intensely liberating.

Yet another hypothesis: we are living in an interpenetration of several simultaneous universes or planes of existence. And they’re all here now, if we could see them.

The rigorous lattice or holographic code defining this universe is merely the way one plane of existence is structured.

Rather than reduce all possible universes to the principles on which this one may be built, why not consider many, many other such “works of art?” Each universe is constructed or improvised out of the infinite well of creative freedom …

Could there be a greater illustration of the principle of Abundance?

Throughout history, humans have been reaching for, and elevating the idea of greater abundance. In one of the early Bible stories, Old Testament Joseph, as a boy, dreams of dancing sheaves of wheat. Wheat, grain was, for the ancients, a living symbol of abundance.

Johanna Stuckey, well-known researcher on early goddesses, points out that the Sumerian grain goddess, Ezina/Ashnan, was also called Lady of Abundance.

We have always sought, in faith, in hope, in myth, in story, in investigation the means for unending abundance. Now, we also see it reflected in our most far-reaching contemplations: not just one universe, but many universes, without end. Because if we are living in this virtual space and time, why shouldn’t other continua exist?

Are they all simulations? Is a painting a simulation? Not really. It’s an independent invention, undertaken in freedom, launched from the unfettered imagination of an artist. It is its own universe.

We are all artists.

With all veils and curtains lifted, this is the truth we have always known.

Copyright © Jon Rappoport. All Rights Reserved.

The author of three explosive collections, The Matrix Revealed, Exit from the Matrix and Power Outside the Matrix, Jon Rappoport was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for thirty years, writing articles on politics, medicine and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, SPIN Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com. To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit from the Matrix, click here.


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