November-December 2017 (Vol. 13, No. 6)
Introducing a Brand-new Regenetics DNA Activation: Microbiome Boost!
We at the Phoenix Center for Regenetics are thrilled to introduce a brand-new DNA activation: Microbiome Boost.
This powerful “ener-genetic” activation is designed to foster wellness by enhancing the harmony—the functional synergy—between the recipient’s bioenergy blueprint and microbiome.
It has long been known that a harmonious bioenergy blueprint (also known as the aura) is foundational to good health, as explained on our website and in our two books on the “revolutionary healing science” (Nexus) of the Regenetics Method, Conscious Healing and Potentiate Your DNA.
Today, scientists are discovering that our microbiome also plays a critical role in our ability to sustain homeostasis and wellbeing.
The microbiome is the sum of microorganisms, including their DNA, found in the human body. Amazingly, our microbiome—which consists of bacteria, yeasts, Candida albicans, and many other organisms—contains far more DNA than our own cells and tissues!A balanced microbiome performs a myriad of vital functions—promoting good digestion and elimination, modulating immune and stress responses, helping control body weight and blood sugar levels, and maintaining proper communication pathways between the gut and brain.
The microbiome can become imbalanced as a result of trauma, chronic stress, pathogens such as those found in vaccines, or toxicity induced by such factors as heavy metals in dental work, vaccine adjuvants, pesticides, and other harmful chemicals.
When this occurs, a virtually limitless number of physical problems can result—from relatively minor inconveniences such as skin rashes and toenail fungus to life-altering issues in the form of Leaky Gut, Chron’s disease, and other autoimmune conditions.
Additionally, it is thought by more and more researchers that a damaged microbiome is the most likely cause of mental illness, including depression, anxiety, and even psychosis. Others have gone so far as to claim that microbiome problems underwrite ADD, ADHD, and autism.
Obviously, in the interest of personal and public health, it behooves us to learn how to strengthen and restore our microbiome. But how do we do this?
Continue reading here.
1. “Supercharge Your Health with Dr. Cowan’s Garden” by Sol Luckman
2. “Brain Regeneration: Why It’s Real & How to Do It” by Sayer Ji
3. “The Real Shift Has Nothing to Do with Politics” by Sergey Baranov
4. “The Hypnotic Symbols of Modern Medicine” by Jon Rappoport
5. “Are You a Daydreamer? New Study Says That Means You’re Extra Smart & Creative” by Michelle Simmons
Featured Videos ... Eileen McKusick Explains the Biofield Anatomy Hypothesis & Electrical Experiments with Plants That Count & Communicate
1. Supercharge Your Health with Dr. Cowan’s Garden
Sol Luckman
On the subject of exploring avenues for healing and transformation that is so near and dear to my heart, today I’m writing to share an extraordinary new line of nutritional products designed to support you in maximizing your potential.
Dr. Thomas Cowan, one of the world’s leading holistic medical doctors and author of Human Heart, Cosmic Heart: A Doctor’s Quest to Understand, Treat & Prevent Cardiovascular Disease, believes that abundant health comes from consuming a diverse variety of nutritious plants in small amounts daily.
Some of the most nutritious plants are perennials that are not widely available commercially. Dr. Cowan created Dr. Cowan’s Garden, “nutritionally powerful and playful vegetable powders,” from his years of experience as an organic gardener, to offer a way to consume an array of vital whole foods in potent, concentrated powder forms that can be easily added to meals and smoothies.
According to Dr. Cowan, whose forthcoming book is about gardening and nutrition, enriching one’s diet with these powders imparts benefits ranging from micronutrients to increased microbiome diversity.
Writes Dr. Cowan,
Vegetables give you the power to live your life with vitality and freedom from disease. To protect their vitality, we dehydrate our organically grown vegetables with low heat and store them as powders in Miron violet-glass jars. The secret to availing yourself of their disease-fighting nutrients is diversity: eat small amounts of a wide variety of plants daily, especially perennial vegetables, rather than a large amount at one or two sittings.
Because perennial vegetables grow for years, they have wider-spreading and deeper-seeking roots that take up more nutrients in the soil. These plants have significantly higher levels of minerals, vitamins and protein than annual vegetables. In addition to perennials, we powder the most nutritious annual vegetables available, such as kale, Swiss chard, tomatoes and leeks.
Some of the healthiest people who ever lived—from Native Americans to traditional Africans—consumed such plant diversity. Our vegetable powders make this approach easy, delicious and fun. You’ll love how their concentrated flavors enrich any dish.
Personally, having tried them for about 3 months, I’ve found that Dr. Cowan’s products:
- can be easily added to smoothies of various kinds;
- feel just right for my body; and
- give me more energy and deeper sleep.
The long-term health and wellness benefits of these nutrient-dense powders have the potential to be truly profound.
In Dr. Cowan’s words,
For the first time in the United States, hard-to-find perennial greens—prized for their superior nutrition—are available in an easy-to-use blend. Because perennial plants live for many years, they are able to mine the soil for nutrients unavailable to their short-lived annual cousins and so are packed with more nutrition. Dr. Cowan’s Garden grows and processes a variety of perennial vegetables for its Perennial Greens Powder. These include tree collards, which are high in calcium and disease-fighting anthocyanins; gynura procumbens, which has an anti-diabetic effect; malabar spinach, which is high in fiber and rich in chlorophyll; and moringa, which reduces inflammation and is high in protein, Vitamin A, calcium, Vitamin C, iron and many more nutrients.
Learn more here.
Save 15% on your purchase with promo code DRCOWANSGARDEN.
To your health!
Copyright © Sol Luckman. All Rights Reserved.
DISCLAIMER: This article is not intended to provide medical or nutritional advice, diagnosis, treatment, promises, or guarantees. Consult your healthcare provider before taking action regarding any medical or nutritional information presented.
AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: This article contains affiliate links. The Phoenix Center for Regenetics may receive a commission for purchases made by way of these links.
Sol Luckman is a pioneering ink painter whose work has been featured on mainstream book covers and award-winning author whose books include the international bestselling Conscious Healing and its bestselling sequel, Potentiate Your DNA. His visionary novel, Snooze: A Story of Awakening, winner of the 2015 National Indie Excellence Award for New Age Fiction, is the coming-of-age tale of one extraordinary boy’s awakening to the world-changing reality of his dreams. Sol’s latest book, The Angel’s Dictionary: A Spirited Glossary for the Little Devil in You, winner of the 2017 National Indie Excellence Award for Humor, reinvigorates satire to prove that—though we might not be able to change the world—we can at least have a good laugh at it. Then again, maybe laughter can transform the world! Learn more about Sol’s art and writing at Video ... Eileen McKusick Explains the Biofield Anatomy Hypothesis
2. Brain Regeneration: Why It’s Real & How to Do It
Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo
Have you ever wished you could regenerate those brain cells you sacrificed in college? Do you fear that your aging brain is in a perpetual state of decline? Medical science is being rewritten to show that we CAN improve the health of our brain, and that repairing damage is not only possible; it’s something anyone can do.
It is a commonly held misconception that the brain is beyond repair. Even the medical establishment has asserted that once we kill brain cells, they are gone forever. The fact is, the brain can repair itself, and as science is now proving, there is real benefit to simple practices that can help keep our brains sharp and elastic throughout our lifetime.
Rewriting the Story of Brain Health
The field of cognitive neuroscience is relatively new—only around one hundred years old—so it’s no surprise that we are constantly arriving at a newer and better understanding of how the neural circuitry of the human brain supports overall brain functioning.
For most of those one hundred years, it was believed that once damaged, the brain could not regenerate. Brain cells were finite, and any loss or injury would be suffered as a deficiency for the rest of that person’s life. This created a false belief that the brain is essentially in a perpetual state of decline.
Although compelling evidence to the contrary was presented as early as 1960, medical dogma was (and is) slow to change. It wasn’t until the 1980s that Fernando Nottebohm’s research at Rockefeller University clearly indicated that neurogenesis—production of new nerve cells, aka neurons—was taking place in the adult vertebrate brain.
The next big step in this scientific evolution would take more than thirty years. However, the pace of our understanding of how the brain is wired was about to take a quantum leap.Our Elastic Brain
The growth of new neurons in an adult, mammalian brain was first seen in 1992, when scientists isolated neural stem cells from mice in a Petri dish. This regeneration was then replicated thousands of times in a variety of published studies over the next twenty-five years.
It is now accepted in the medical scientific community that the adult brain is capable of growing new neurons and glial cells, something previously disbelieved by the medical establishment. The brain is now considered to be resilient, pliable—plastic.
The term neuroplasticity refers to the ability of the brain to “rewire” itself through practice of a desired skill. It is the combination of new cells and new learning that creates this magic. When fresh nerve cells are well stimulated (i.e., trained through specific learning exercises), they make new connections. In other words, they become healthy brain cells that contribute to learning and the development of new skills.
Just like the muscles of the body, when the brain is well nourished and stimulated through proper exercise, it heals and grows. And with proper care and feeding, this amazing brain regeneration can occur throughout life.
To help make this a “no-brainer,” GreenMedInfo has compiled a simple list of ways you can safeguard brain health, stimulate new brain cell growth, and even heal the brain
1. Get Lots of Physical Exercise
When you hear the phrase “train your brain,” you probably don’t think of lifting weights. As it turns out, physical exercise is one of the best things you can do for your body—and your brain.
The brain benefits of exercise are two-fold. First, the brain is a voracious consumer of glucose and oxygen, with no ability to store excess for later use. A continual supply of these nutrients is needed to maintain optimal functioning.
Physical exercise increases blood flow to the brain, delivering a boost of fresh oxygen and glucose to hungry brain cells. A 2014 study showed that just 30 minutes of moderate cardio was enough to boost cognitive functioning in adult brains of all ages.
But the benefits don’t stop there. Exercise is believed to stimulate hippocampal neurogenesis: new cell growth in the region of the brain associated with long-term memory and emotions. Healthy cell growth in this region is important to the aging brain, and believed to help prevent cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
2. Use Stress Reduction Techniques
Our modern world runs on stress, so the need to unwind is easy to understand. What you might not be aware of is just how damaging continual immersion in the fight or flight hormones of stress can be to your brain.
Stress is one of the top factors in age-related cognitive decline. This makes engaging in regularly scheduled leisure activities not just a fun thing to do, but an important step towards ensuring optimal brain health.You don’t need to look far to find ways to de-stress. Let your interests guide you. The key to picking brain-healthy pastimes is to avoid passive activities like watching TV, and instead choose stimulating hobbies that engage the brain through patterns, puzzles, and problem-solving.
A 2011 study published in the Journal of Neuropsychiatry found that activities such as playing games, reading books, and crafts like quilting and knitting reduced rates of cognitive impairment by up to 50 percent.
Engaging with art also ranks high on the list of brain-healthy hobbies. Studies prove that once again, it’s not enough to be a passive observer. To get the brain-boost, we must engage.
In a German study reported in the journal Plos One, researchers studied two groups: a group who observed art, and a group that produced art. The study concluded that compared to those who observed art, art producers demonstrated increased interactivity between the frontal and parietal cortices of the brain. This increased brain connectivity translates to enhanced psychological resilience in the group of art producers. In other words, their ability to resist the negative effects of stress improved.
Looking for a more low-key way to unwind? How about playing beautiful music or sitting in quiet contemplation? Meditation has been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, and even build resistance to feelings of anxiety and depression. And while listening to music may seem like a passive activity, research suggests that the act of listening to musical patterns facilitates brain neurogenesis.
Both meditation and listening to music affect the secretion of key hormones which enhance brain plasticity, thus changing the very way we respond to stress. Talk about good medicine!
3. Take Strategic Supplements
You probably know at least one person who raves about the health benefits of turmeric. This deep orange root has been used as a panacea for everything from soothing joint pain and calming inflammation, to lowering the risk of heart disease. And our awareness of the benefits of this ancient medicinal herb continues to grow.
Turmeric is an example of a remyelinating compound, which denotes a substance with proven nerve-regenerative effects.
Remyelinating compounds work to repair the protective sheath around the nerve bundle known as myelin, an area often damaged in autoimmune and vaccine-induced disorders. Research shows that even small doses of these restorative substances can produce significant nerve regeneration.
The Western model of pharmaceutical intervention has created a culture that seeks to identify and isolate the “active ingredient” of an organic substance. What this fails to account for is that organic compounds often work in concert: isolates by themselves may lack a critical key that another plant element provides.
Cucurmin is the isolated active ingredient in turmeric; however, new research shows that another element found in turmeric has magical properties of its own.
In an exciting study published in the journal Stem Cell Research & Therapy, researchers found that a little-known component within turmeric, ar-tumerone, may make “a promising candidate to support regeneration in neurologic disease.”
The study found that when brain cells were exposed to ar-tumerone, neural stem cells increased in number and complexity, indicating a healing effect was taking place. This effect was replicated in rats, who when exposed to ar-tumerone saw increased neural stem cell production and the generation of healthy new brain cells.
Green Tea
A 2014 paper studying the active compounds in green tea (known as catechins, a main class of micronutrient), determined that green tea catechins are not only antioxidant and neuroprotective; they actually stimulate the brain to produce more neurons.
Because of this therapeutic effect on damaged regions of the brain, green tea has been shown to have exciting implications in the treatment of “incurable” neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s disease. This prompted researchers to declare green tea catechins “a highly useful complementary approach” in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.
Further investigation of green tea examining a combination of blueberry, green tea and carnosine found it to promote growth of new neurons and brain stem cells in an animal model of neurodegenerative disease.
Ginkgo BilobaGinkgo biloba is considered a powerhouse in the herbal medicine pharmacopoeia, and its implications for brain health are equally potent. Ginkgo has demonstrated at least 50 distinct health benefits, and its medicinal value is documented in the treatment of more than 100 different diseases.
There are numerous studies on Ginkgo’s ability to stimulate levels of a critical brain protein called BDNF: brain-derived neurotrophic factor. This protein affects healing in damaged regions of the brain and is essential in the regulation, growth and survival of brain cells, making it especially important for long-term memory.
Ginkgo is so effective that a 2006 paper published in the European Journal of Neurology found it to be as useful in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease as the blockbuster drug Donepezil.
Recently, a new mechanism behind Ginkgo biloba’s brain healing properties came to light with the publication of an article in Cell & Molecular Neurobiology. Researchers determined that Ginkgo is effective, in part, due to its ability to modulate neural stem cells (NSCs) into the type of cell that is necessary in the specific region of the brain where the BDNF proteins are active.
NSCs are multipotent cells; they have the amazing ability to shapeshift into any of the many different phenotypes of cells that make up the brain. Ginkgo stimulates the growth of the right cell phenotype for the affected region of the brain, giving our brain exactly what’s needed, where it’s needed. Now that’s intelligent medicine!
Eat Your Veggies
Want to stimulate brain cell regrowth while you’re having lunch? Add some freshly steamed broccoli to your plate!
Science has added a substance called sulforaphane, found in sulfur-rich vegetables such as broccoli, to the growing list of neuritogenic substances that have been documented to stimulate nerve growth in the brain.
The study, published in the journal Genesis, reveals that sulforaphane, in addition to stimulating new nerve growth, has demonstrated significant healing properties as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, as well as preventing disease and death of healthy neurons.
Adding to the excitement surrounding these findings, researchers observed the beneficial effect on neural stem cells that results in their differentiation to specific, useful types of neurons, lending powerful support to the hypothesis that sulforaphane stimulates brain repair.
Vegetables containing sulforaphane include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, horseradish, kale, kohlrabi, mustard leaves, radish, turnips, watercress, and bok choy. For therapeutic benefit, try to consume at least three cups per day, raw or cooked.
Enjoy Continuous LearningAging is often associated with cognitive decline, both in research and anecdotal evidence. However, a growing body of literature shows that retaining a sharp, lucid brain means never retiring our critical thinking skills.
The need to continually challenge and expand our thinking was demonstrated in the aforementioned 2011 study published in the Journal of Neuropsychiatry. In this study, the leisure time activities of a group of older adults (ages 70-89) were monitored for effect on mild cognitive impairment (MCI).
The study determined that the level of complexity of the activity was key to its effectiveness at preventing MCI. Working with computers, reading books, and activities associated with patterns and problem-solving contributed to a significant decrease in the odds of developing of MCI. Less stimulating activities showed no statistical effect. This stresses the importance of feeling challenged and stimulated by the activities we pursue as we age.
These findings were reinforced by a 2014 study of nearly 3,000 volunteers spanning more than a decade. This study examined the potential long-term benefit of cognitive training in older adults. Results showed that participants demonstrated enhanced brain processing speed and reasoning skills for up to ten years after the training was completed.
These tangible brain benefits spilled over into daily life and were measured in the participants’ ability to complete normal daily tasks such as personal finances, meal preparation, and personal care routines. It has been said of this study, “The idea is, the more stimulating your environment, the more you’re increasing the complexity of your brain.”
For more information on ways to keep your brain healthy, visit GreenMedInfo’s brain health research database.
Copyright © [8/24/17] GreenMedInfo LLC. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of GreenMedInfo LLC. Want to learn more from GreenMedInfo? Sign up for the newsletter at
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.
Sayer Ji is founder of, a reviewer at the International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine, Co-founder and CEO of Systome Biomed, Vice Chairman of the Board of the National Health Federation and Steering Committee Member of the Global Non-GMO Foundation.
3. The Real Shift Has Nothing to Do with Politics
Sergey Baranov, Waking Times
If you still believe a word the politicians say, it simply means you are living in a trance and subject to mind control. Those who have already awakened to the true matrix of political reality are laughing through their tears. They are laughing because they can see through the nicely packaged lies, fabricated for you by those you trust your life to. But they also cry, because they feel helpless to change anything.This is the reality in which we all live today. Can we effect change in our diseased world run by the least among us? How did we come to a point when we the people have lost our voices, our confidence in ourselves and our minds along the way?
We were slowly cooked in the pot like a frog, which didn’t jump out because it didn’t feel the rising temperature of the water. Then when the water boiled, it was too late. The frog was cooked. The same is happening to us. Little by little our freedom and liberty are being stripped away.
Regardless of countless warnings from those who dedicated their lives to fighting for freedom, we remain asleep and entertained. But these warnings are not designed for entertainment. Their purpose to share and wake us up so we can do something about the growing trend towards tyranny, which eventually will swallow us like whales eats the fishes.
Unfortunately, a dystopian world is no longer a matter of science fiction but a reality waiting us around the corner. Living in the 21st century, it is hard to imagine that a world like that of Nazi Germany or the Communist Soviet Union can rise from the ashes like an evil Phoenix and enslave humanity once again, leading to an imprisoning and extermination of a large portion of the population. To us it seems rather unlikely. But is it? Do we not see it already happening? Some of us do.
The same authoritarian voices, whose echo reaches us from the archives of history, can be heard on TV every day. The preachers are different, but the message is all the same. The mainstream media, which has lost credibility during the last election in the United States, is continuing to spread propaganda regardless. The factory of lies is relentless and will keep going until the very last consumer keeps buying it. But propaganda has reached new heights. In recent days, it has employed some famous actors, who use their authoritative voice to spread the lie.
The latest video made by Morgan Freeman deserves contempt.
It was rather sad to see him do it. Up until now, he was among my favored actors. I liked his acting, look and voice. In his video he makes a statement that we are at war with Russia, which is reckless and dangerous. Let’s analyze it for a moment. Morgan Freeman is known for playing authority figures in numerous movies, a sensible voice, which many of us love and respect. But now, after playing God in the movies Bruce Almighty and Evan Almighty, Professor Samuel Norman in Lucy, Malcolm Beech, the leader of the human resistance in the movie Oblivion and many other roles in which he assumes authority, is now preaching insanity and lies.
No war has been declared with Russia, no shot or missile was fired. Not even a word of hostility has been said by president Putin toward the US. So how we are at war? Just because a famous actor says so?
Then he continues by saying that Putin himself, while being angry at the collapse of his country, gets revenge on America by helping Trump win. But according to what president Trump is supposedly trying to do, this makes no sense whatsoever. The attempt by the president to protect the sovereignty of the USA by securing American borders, enhancing the economy by creating jobs, cutting taxes and restoring the Constitution, which is the only protection from tyranny, increasing the birth rate, trying to give Americans a better healthcare deal and building an even stronger military, thus making America great again, points clearly toward a constructive approach, beneficial to the American people. Consequently, if Putin helped Trump to become president, then logically speaking, Putin would be the best friend of American people, not an enemy as Morgan Freeman is trying to portray him. Thus, the actor’s statement is simply illogical.
Interestingly enough, another great actor, Leonardo DiCaprio, has recently given a speech at the UN about global warming. Regardless of the validity of the notion, the use of actors for political gain is obvious. Who will be next to come from one stage to another to play their worse role? The powers that be are rather desperate if they resort to use of famous actors to push their propaganda forward.
In fact, the message of this video is openly hostile towards Russia and can cause an escalation of tension between the two superpowers, which in fact has more in common than not.
Essentially, and perhaps without realizing it, Morgan Freeman promotes a nuclear armageddon, which could result from the continuous effort of teasing the nuclear bear.
All this, of course, does not have to happen. The future is not written in stone. We can change its course by changing the present state of our minds, choosing peace over war, sanity over madness, friendship over hostility, cooperation over competition, constructive dialogue over destructive threats and so on. Our choices are much greater than choosing an aisle or window, paper or plastic, Coke or Pepsi, as the great Gorge Carlin has pointed out.
Freedom is like a muscle, which needs to be constantly exercised. Otherwise, it gets atrophied. The same goes for our thinking. If we don’t do it for ourselves, there will be others who will do it for us and generally speaking, this kind of social affair does not result in a healthy lifestyle.
Meanwhile, as all of this is happening, people seem to be distracted by things that simply don’t matter. Obsession with lifeless objects, shallow ideas, wasteful researches, celebrity life, etc. It is shocking to observe preoccupation with meaningless stuff in our society, when the very foundation of it is at risk.
It is puzzling to see a great deal of money being spent on a search for microbial life on other planets, which are light years away, when evolved, intelligent life on our own planet is ignored, devalued, misunderstood and destroyed. What is the point? Would it not be wiser to use this money on cancer research and save human lives instead? Just an idea. I’m sure there are more.
No wonder Elon Musk is working hard to colonize Mars. I have no doubts that he understands the threats we are facing as humanity, but is escaping our only option? We have the money, technology and the mind to effect change in this world. All we need is to come together as a human species and decide our future for good. This is within our reach. What are we waiting for? Neither the Messiah nor aliens will arrive to help us out. Our tendency to externalize responsibility is destructive and must be re-adjusted towards ourselves. And that is the real SHIFT, which must be made, not waited for.
This article (The Real Shift Has Nothing to Do With Politics) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Sergey Baranov.
Sergey Baranov is the author of Path, a book that will be of interest to any spiritual seeker who seeks honesty above all else. Living in various countries and growing up in different cultures, Sergey gained an understanding of the essential, a core commonality of human experience that lies beneath the differences to be found in every culture. By walking different paths and seeing through their limitations, Sergey found shamanism as a unifying path for all people regardless of their cultural background. He currently lives in Peru with his family where he conducts monthly San Pedro retreats. Learn more about his book Path, available on Amazon, or follow Sergey on Facebook at
4. The Hypnotic Symbols of Modern Medicine
Jon Rappoport
There are four major symbols I want to take up here.
The important thing to remember is: these symbols conspire to produce a “view of self” in the patient.
The patient comes to see himself in a certain way, and this way implies a reduction of his own power.
Reducing his own power, he literally sees himself as smaller.
The cascade of effects continues. Seeing himself as smaller, he comes to believe he has no significant role in his own health and well-being.
And armed with that conviction, he comes to believe he is gradually deteriorating.
This belief is a perception, a view of self. This view, like a magnet, attracts and interprets events as further evidence of weakening and deterioration …
This reality is far from the only possible one, but it is the one the patient chooses.
The first symbol is SYMPTOM. The person sees and experiences feelings and physical manifestations, and in the doctor’s office, he learns these are symptoms that collectively MEAN SOMETHING. He has symptoms. These are not random, he is told. They are not transient. They cannot be ignored. They will not go away on their own. They are serious.
The second symbol is CONDITION. The doctor’s diagnosis of the symptoms makes it clear that the patient has a disease, an illness, a disorder. A label is applied. A name. There is no doubt that the patient has this named disease. This is a THING. An entity. It is not a passing phenomenon. It is solid and stable. It is singular.
The third symbol is TREATMENT. This is what the doctor tells the patient he must do. Take a medicine. Have surgery. The treatment will get rid of the condition. The treatment is specific. It is geared to address the condition. It is the solution to the problem.
The fourth symbol is the DOCTOR. He knows. Nobody else knows. He is the authority. He is in charge of recognizing the symptoms, which lead him to make the diagnosis of the condition, which is turn leads him to prescribe the treatment. This progression is lock-step. There no other factors to consider. The doctor has effectively ruled out all other possibilities.These four symbols lead the patient into a state of obedience. And in that state, he realizes his own power is beside the point and is irrelevant.
Of course, this is not the first time he has been to the doctor’s office. This is not the first time he has been put through this progression of the four symbols. Therefore, the effect on him, over time, is magnified.
Each successive visit to the doctor confirms he can and does develop new sets of symptoms—and each set implies a new condition.
As the conditions pile up, the patient is more convinced than ever that he is composed of diseases that appear “out of nowhere.”
He views himself as a set of symptoms which indicate a condition and imply a treatment. This is, in a sense, who and what he is.
Over time, his conditions tend to be more serious.
He never imagines that the toxic treatments he is taking are contributing to, or causing these more serous conditions—because each disease has a separate name, as if it exists in a vacuum. The doctor handles each diagnosis in that fashion. “Now you have this … and now you have that.”
When the patient reaches a point where he views himself as BEING these symptoms and conditions and very little else, he simply waits for the next arrival of the next set of symptoms and the next condition.
This is how powerful symbols can be.
In a better world, people would be educated in the use and effects of symbols, before succumbing to them.
Some would say, “What do you mean, symbols? The doctor is real, I do have physical problems, the doctor really does make a diagnosis, and I do take real medicines. Why are you talking about symbols?”
Because what locks a person in is what happens in his mind. And what happens in his mind is this parade of symbols. That’s what forms the basis of HIS VIEW OF HIMSELF. He rolls these symbols around in his mind and accepts them and locks himself in, and he sees himself as deteriorating.
“I am a deteriorating person. That’s who I am. That’s what I am. I’m waiting for the next round of symptoms and the diagnosis and treatment from the doctor. Any other ideas about what I am and what I can do are beside the point. No reason to entertain them. I have the potential to be more than a deteriorating person? What does that even mean? It makes no sense.”
The person doesn’t understand symbols, doesn’t understand how he is dealing with them, and so he closes the book on his life and future.
This process is not necessary, but he doesn’t grasp that.
Am I claiming that everything is in the mind? Nothing else possibly matters? No one ever really gets sick? No. But I am saying a shocking amount of what turns out to be a person’s future or non-future flows from how he recognizes, or doesn’t recognize, symbols and how he reads them and interprets them, how he accepts or rejects them, how he choose to surpass them or succumb to them.
Yes, there is a doctor. Yes, there is such a thing as physical illness. Yes, the doctor is delivering a diagnosis and calling it a condition. But these factors are not in the mind, unless the physical doctor can squeeze himself into the patient’s head. In the mind, there are symbols of these elements—and that is what the patient is dealing with, for better or for worse.
And over the long-term, for most patients, it’s worse.
Copyright © Jon Rappoport. All Rights Reserved.
The author of three explosive collections, The Matrix Revealed, Exit from the Matrix and Power Outside the Matrix, Jon Rappoport was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for thirty years, writing articles on politics, medicine and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, SPIN Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit from the Matrix, click here.Featured Video ... Electrical Experiments with Plants That Count & Communicate
5. Are You a Daydreamer? New Study Says That Means You’re Extra Smart & Creative
Michelle Simmons, Natural News
Do you find your mind wandering at work? New research reveals that daydreaming is not actually bad; instead it is a sign that you are smart and creative, as reported by Science Daily.
“People tend to think of mind wandering as something that is bad. You try to pay attention and you can’t,” said Eric Schumacher, an associate psychology professor and one of the authors of the study.
Researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology evaluated the brain patterns of more than 100 individuals with the use of MRI scans. The subjects were asked to focus on a fixed point for five minutes while they lay in an MRI machine. Then, the team of researchers used the data to spot which parts of the brain worked together.
“The correlated brain regions gave us insight about which areas of the brain work together during an awake, resting state,” said Christine Godwin, another author of the study.
The participants also took tests that measured their intellectual and creative ability. In addition, they answered a survey on how much their mind wandered everyday.After the researchers analyzed all the data gathered, they found that the individuals who reported to daydream more often had higher scores on the intellectual and creative ability tests compared to those who daydreamed less. Furthermore, the researchers discovered that participants whose minds wandered more frequently had more efficient brain systems based on the MRI scans results.
“People with efficient brains may have too much brain capacity to stop their minds from wandering,” Schumacher said.
He explained that greater brain efficiency means more capacity to think, and the mind may wander when accomplishing simple tasks. Zoning in and out of conversations or tasks when proper, and then naturally tuning back in without missing crucial points or steps is a sign of an efficient brain.
According to the researchers, the results can be compared to an absent-minded professor who is intelligent, but has his or her own world, or is sometimes unaware to his or her own surroundings. The findings can also be likened to school children who learn something new easier and faster than the others, then zone out and their minds start to wander. These are the students who are too intellectually advanced for their classes.
However, Godwin noted that there are crucial individual differences to also think about, such as the motivation of a person or his or her intention to stay focused on a specific task.
The researchers believed that their study opens the door for future research to better understand when daydreaming is detrimental and when it may actually be beneficial.
The finds of the study were published in the journal Neuropsychologia.
Daydreaming Allows You to Do Tasks on Autopilot
Another study found another benefit of daydreaming, according to The Daily Mail. The new study suggested that being in autopilot is helpful when accomplishing routine tasks. Researchers from the University of Cambridge analyzed the brain activities of 28 participants under an MRI scanner. The individuals were presented with four cards and asked to match a target card to one of these cards. There were three possible rules: matching by color, shape, or number, but the participants were not told about this. Instead, they had to figure it out through trial and error.
Results revealed that in the acquisition stage of the task, the dorsal attention network of the brain, which is linked with the processing of attention-demanding information, was more active. On the other hand, during the application stage, where participants applied the learned rules, the default mode network (DMN) was more active.
“It [DMN] is essentially like an autopilot that helps us make fast decisions when we know what the rules of the environment are,” said Deniz Vatansever, lead author of the study.
The researchers believed that the DMN allows a person to perform tasks without having to exert extra time and effort into each decision. (Related: Memo from Your Brain: Please Excuse This Disruption in Service.)
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Michelle Simmons is a writer for, where this article originally appeared.
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