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DNA Monthly (Vol. 14, No. 4)

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July-August 2018 (Vol. 14, No. 4)

Free Funny Reading: Multi-award-winning Book of Humor & Satire for the Awakening Crowd

Sol Luckman

I know, I know, your summer reading list stack is as high as your—well, it’s pretty darn high.

I know, I know, given the world’s overwhelming problems, you can’t spare a second to read anything besides SERIOUS NONFICTION.

I know, I know, you’re an ADULT now, and joke books, like Trix, are for kids.

And yet …

My advice? Get over yourself … and get on with your life—which, IMHO, should be heavily weighted in favor of laughter, absurdity, mischief, screwing around, carousing, and wassailing.

Which brings me to …

My multi-award-winning book of satire for the awake and awakening, The Angel’s Dictionary, which I’m giving away FREE (until I’m not):

1) Won’t take up much of your precious time;

2) Addresses some rather serious topics with a heaping helping of snark designed to stimulate conversation about real-world solutions; and

3) Just might make you laugh like a mischievous teenager up to no good—and this alone could change your life for the better.

Here are some sample definitions from this Spirited Glossary for the Little Devil in You to tickle your fancy …

antidepressant: (n.) any of various energetic techniques for warding off parasitic friends, colleagues, and family members.

bathroom: (n.) where Americans go to argue about gender while the country goes down the toilet.

census: (n.) being counted so we can be discounted.

Dowist: (n.) blind believer in the stock market.

fanny-pack: (v.) to put on a few extra pounds during the holiday season.

global warming: (n.) result of excessive hot-air emissions by climate scientists.

hospital: (n.) where the healthy go to get misdiagnosed and the sick go to get mistreated.

And here are some reviews of The Angel’s Dictionary—which, in addition to winning last year’s National Indie Excellence Award for Humor, just received a Finalist Award for Humor in the International Book Awards—for your consideration:

“Irreverent in its honesty and take-no-prisoners approach, The Angel’s Dictionary: A Spirited Glossary for the Little Devil in You is an honest appraisal of words in terms of today’s sensibilities. Sol Luckman has picked up where writers like Mark Twain and Ambrose Bierce left off over a century ago, identifying new associations for words and phrases to match what they really represent today […] They say many a true word is spoken in jest, and perhaps Luckman’s humor is a well-timed wake-up call to be heeded while we still have time to ask important questions.” Readers’ Favorite

“Much of society has lost its sense of humor for fear of melting the heart of the next snowflake down the road. I say, turn up the heat. It is much needed …
The Angel’s Dictionary does this with wit and charm worthy of notice.” Andrew L. Foss

The Angel’s Dictionary is a sardonic antidote to the trite and asinine slogans and catchphrases—the basic language—of Big Brother’s thought-control system. On one level, it’s light and witty comic relief, and beyond the playful satire, it is scathingly accurate! If you’re in need of some conscious, fun, and thought-provoking wordplay then you might start with The Angel’s Dictionary. Warning: reader may experience symptoms of higher consciousness, greater clarity, and general merriment.” Brendan D. Murphy, author of The Grand Illusion

So, what the heck are you waiting for?

Here’s how to get your complimentary Kindle or epub copy of The Angel’s Dictionary today …

Sign up to receive my Devilishly Clever Word of the Day, inspired by The Angel’s Dictionary, free in your inbox …

… and you’ll automatically receive a download link for a free Kindle or epub copy of The Angel’s Dictionary.

You can sample some Words of the Day here to get an idea of what you’re in for.

You can also opt out of future Words of the Day, though you’d be a real Loser to do so, and—aside from the NSA and Google unconstitutionally recording your every little electronic movement—your privacy is absolutely paramount.

(Pause to let that sink in.)

My advice again? Always remember to laugh anyway when overdosing on seriousness.

A final thought for all you dour fence sitters out there …

Copyright © Sol Luckman. All Rights Reserved.

Sol Luckman is a pioneering ink painter whose work has been featured on mainstream book covers and award-winning author whose books include the international bestselling Conscious Healing and its bestselling sequel, Potentiate Your DNA. His visionary novel, Snooze: A Story of Awakening, winner of the 2015 National Indie Excellence Award for New Age Fiction, is the coming-of-age tale of one extraordinary boy’s awakening to the world-changing reality of his dreams. Sol’s latest book, The Angel’s Dictionary: A Spirited Glossary for the Little Devil in You, winner of the 2017 National Indie Excellence Award for Humor, reinvigorates satire to prove that—though we might not be able to change the world—we can at least have a good laugh at it. Then again, maybe laughter can transform the world! Learn more about Sol’s art and writing at www.CrowRising.com.


1. Is the Power to Heal Ourselves Increasing?” by Jacob Devaney

2. How YOU Can Undermine the 'Evil Cabal'” by Dylan Charles

3. The Occult Archetype Called Vaccination” by Jon Rappoport

4. The Political Significance of LSD” by Vikram Zutshi

5. Facebook Censorship Rampage Killing Alternative Pages” by Brendan D. Murphy

Featured Videos ... The WalkAway Movement is Huge! & Cannabis: A Lost History

1. Is the Power to Heal Ourselves Increasing?

Jacob Devaney

New studies are showing that placebos are becoming more effective in treating illness.

Researchers are perplexed by recent studies that have placebos performing very well compared to new and experimental pharmaceuticals. Meanwhile the science of Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) is echoing what mystics and shamans have been saying forever, which is that we have untold powers to heal ourselves!

Science & Spirit Converging

This coming together between the spiritual and scientific communities shows an unprecedented opportunity for humans to embrace vibrant, healthy, thriving lives. Recent research on placebos comes from a McGill University and is published in Pain: The Journal of the International Association for the Study of Pain. I first learned about this in a wonderful article by Carolyn Gregoire in Huffington Post titled “Placebo Effect Puzzle Has Scientists Scratching Their Heads.”

I highly recommend reading the entire article which shows how the placebo effect is exploding in the United States, but nowhere else. This may have something to do with the fact that the United States has 5% of the worlds population yet consumes 75% of the world’s prescription drugs.

The Sugar Pill Is Working

The analysis revealed that in U.S. trials conducted in 1993, pain medications were rated to be an average of 27 percent more effective than placebo pills. In the 2013 trials, however, the pain medication was only 9 percent more effective than the placebo. The difference wasn’t attributed to decreased effectiveness of the medication, but instead to a greater response to the placebo. In other words, the sugar pill has become nearly as effective as medication in alleviating pain. —Carolyn Gregoire in Placebo Effect Puzzle Has Scientists Scratching Their Heads

The above study focused on painkillers, but similar results have been observed for antidepressants. With more than 1 in 5 Americans taking mental health drugs the number of people seeking alternatives and preventative measures continues to grow. Yoga, meditation, healthy diet, and exercise do not come in the form of a pill but tend to address the larger picture of wellbeing that is too often overlooked by the medical establishment.

Although placebo may not be a viable treatment option, there are other treatments that on average work as well as antidepressants, [such as] physical exercise and cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. As far as we know, these alternatives don’t make people worse. —Irving Kirsch, Time Magazine

Tuning into Our Trauma

All of this points to the innate ability our bodies have to self-regulate, seek balance (homeostasis), and heal. You would think that we would be eager to listen to our own bodies when they speak to us through symptoms, yet we usually do the exact opposite by numbing the pain or ignoring what we feel. Peter Levine, author of Waking the Tiger, is an expert in trauma resolution and a lead voice in field of Somatic Experiencing, which invites us to tune in to our bodies as well as our emotions in order to reclaim our health.

Through hundreds of hours of client sessions, Levine began to witness how clients’ bodies told their stories of trauma, even if the clients had no specific memories. Once Levine guided them into the sensate experience of trauma, the body then took over and finished what was unprocessed, or incomplete. Clients receive the added gifts of increased body awareness, a stronger connection to self, a shift in deep-seated patterns, a more regulated nervous system, and a sense of mastery.

Why do humans need to be guided at all? The biggest obstacle is how inattentive and unfamiliar we are with our physical sensations. Our big, sophisticated brains constantly out-think and override our bodily needs. We are trained to ignore signs of hunger, pain, discomfort, injury, danger, as well as pleasure, saturation, and fulfillment. What’s astonishing is how forgiving and responsive the body is. As soon as we tune into it, shifts begin to happen. —Peter Levine

Peter Levine Speaks about Somatic Experiencing

Prescription of the Future

The mind, our beliefs, emotions, and lifestyle play a much larger role in our wellbeing than we tend to recognize. While researchers are wondering how to avoid the dreaded monkey-wrench of the placebo effect in testing new drugs, the general public is recognizing that taking charge of one’s health doesn’t need to always start with a call to the doctor or a new prescription.

As Carolyn Gregoire underscores in her Huffington Post article, “If the placebo effect continues on its current trajectory, American pharmaceutical companies may find it increasingly difficult to get consumers to buy new drugs.”

By learning the bodymind language of symptoms and illness you can learn what is being repressed or ignored in your psyche and emotions and the affect this is having on your physical body. —Deb Shapiro, author of Your Body Speaks Your Mind

Popular books like Your Body Speaks Your Mind are a significant indicator that a new paradigm in health is upon us. Science and spirituality, like the brain and body, have lots to gain by embracing the wisdom that the other has to share. We are evolved enough to know that the answers we seek aren’t always either/or.

A balanced and holistic approach is a prescription for wellbeing. So keep your doctors number close by but also take the power of your health into your own hands. Your body will thank you for listening to it, your emotions will release freely when they feel welcome and your quality of life will increase. Placebos may not be the miracle cure after all, but what they might be showing us is that we already possess an untold capacity for self-healing.

Copyright © Jacob Devaney. All Rights Reserved.

Director of Culture Collective and Co-founder of Unify, Jacob Devaney is a creative activist, musician and producer whose blogs can be found on Huffington Post, Uplift, Medium and other platforms. Connect with him on Facebook here.

Featured Video ... The WalkAway Movement is Huge!

2. How YOU Can Undermine the Evil Cabal

Dylan Charles, Waking Times

Over the years, the description of the tyrants and psychopaths that so often occupy positions of power in our world has evolved, and today it is fashionable to refer to this nebulous group by using the term “Evil Cabal.”

Language is perhaps the most important device we have for creating reality, and just as George Orwell knew, the more linguistically vague, simplistic, ambiguous and nondescript the language, the more room there is to shape perception. This is called Newspeak, and in the case of the “Evil Cabal,” the term fails to fully describe our complex world, but succeeds tremendously in maintaining the prison of fear that actually inhibits freedom.

In a catch-all phrase like “Evil Cabal,” there really is little substance in the language to inspire meaningful action or reaction. In fact, the opposite is true. By generalizing the widespread depravity in the world with such a vague yet loaded term, the result can only be fear and inaction.

But, just for rhetorical purposes, let’s suppose for a moment that the world’s troubles can indeed be wholly attributed to a singular, top-down, all-knowing, all-controlling evil cabal that has its wicked tentacles inserted into every facet of our lives. Let’s imagine that every bit of the injustice and calamity we see is intentionally orchestrated and narrated by an untouchable group of almighty criminals.

If this is in fact the case, one very serious question emerges: What exactly are YOU going to do about it?

My thoughts on this are expressed below, and are derived from two decades of peering deeply into the abyss of conspiracy fact and alternative history. I’ve learned in time that such intense and singular focus on conspiracy and international wickedness is corrosive to the soul, inviting acrimony and triggering impotency into what should be the blessed, joyful gift of a life well lived.

YOU Can Undermine the Evil Cabal

Firstly, understand that systems of political and economic control are actually more heavily dependent on the acquiescence, cooperation, and participation of many millions of people. They are much less dependent on brute force, even though the perception is that brute force controls everything. This notion is accurately presented by Larken Rose in his short animated presentation, The Tiny Dot. The acquiescent masses vastly outnumber any evildoers.

It is imperative to also understand that the world is heavily influenced by the management of public perception, and that holding onto a chiefly negative and fearful worldview severely limits your potential to create and experience the world in which you actually wish to see materialize.

Furthermore, you must recognize that taking it upon yourself to assemble and collate every possible fact and insight into every conspiracy and every nasty event is self-destructive. That is, by becoming a library of terrible truths, you are willfully imposing upon yourself a subtle but powerful form of mental slavery.

The tendency to want to convince and awaken every person you meet to your point-of-view is ultimately caustic to personal relationships and can quickly lead to isolation. Take notice of the fact that individual isolation is exceptionally beneficial to any controlling power in our world, and therefore, it is imperative to connect with others and allow them to express their own personal truths without sparking your judgement and condemnation.

So many of us today adhere to a destructive worldview, and to counter this, it is critical to set an example for others in your life by living in such a way as to inspire a love for freedom, independence and individuality. This is done, first and foremost, by giving freedom to others. Allow people the privilege to walk their own path and think their own thoughts.

Moreover, to undermine a cabal that primarily rules by psychological control, it is essential to recognize that all humans have a tendency to want to control things, and that as human beings we all share similar shadow traits. The desire to control others, and even to control nature, is evident at every level of society, meaning we are all inherently capable of extraordinary evil and cruelty. It is your duty and priority to recognize this and to manage this tendency within yourself and only yourself.

Also, remember that energy goes where attention flows. If you are totally consumed with the wicked deeds of the evil cabal, as so many otherwise righteous people are, you are inadvertently giving away your personal power and energy, thus contributing to their ability to control people with fear.

When you are engaged in an endless and all too often speculative discussion about the evil deeds of others, you are engaged in a form of worship that puts one in a state of continually imagining the uninhibited power of some other mysterious and unnameable other. This makes their power much more real than it may actually be. Stop worshiping psychopaths and evil people by giving them so much of your attention, because exposing corruption alone is not enough to create a better world. In order to see positive change we have to shift our attention to those ideas and people who are contributing to the healing of the earth and its people.

Additionally, recognize that in today’s media landscape, even those who may seem to have your best interest at heart often profit wildly from perpetuating fear and despair. We live in a viral information culture where buzzwords, distortions, and over-simplifications get clicks and earn advertising dollars. There is an enormous profit motive in keeping people teetering on the margin of despondency and hope. We’ve built an entire economy out of fear, and it’s up to you to break this cycle and smash this paradigm. You can do so by checking in with your heart and asking if the information you’re consuming is inspired by fear or by love.

Finally, use the freedom you still have. Use it right now to become the person you are supposed to be. Follow your heart and find your place, wherever it may be. If you are interested in politics or otherwise directly confronting injustice and corruption in the system, throw yourself wholly into this effort, with heart. However, if your calling is beneficial in any other way, do not diminish the positive effect that you can have on the world by simply being a force of good, big or small. If all you have to offer at this moment is a smile, use it generously.

Ultimately, there are many ways to resist evil, and as George Herbert wrote, “Living well is the best revenge.” Heal yourself and become an agent of joy. Whether there is, or is not, a round-table evil cabal of untouchables is ultimately irrelevant to how you live your life right now. Get on with the business of living well.

Final Thoughts

I wrote this piece as an indirect response to an email I recently received from a reader. I’m noting it here because in my position I see this sentiment quite frequently, and I feel that it needs to be called out. Here is the note in full:

Hi there.
I really don’t appreciate your website getting VERY POLITICAL.
I am going to quit reading it now and will recommend the same thing to all of the people I know.
Obviously, there is a lot of info you don’t know and you are wasting your time playing into the hands of the Evil Cabal. I have no time for little minds.
Very Sincerely,

Clearly this person, L, cares about the world we live in and the future we create together, yet, based on my own personal experience, personal growth, and ever-evolving understanding of the world, I feel like this mindset needs to be acknowledged as counterproductive and harmful to one’s well-being and mental stability, while ultimately contributing to the oppressiveness in our world today.

It does need to be said, though, that there are undoubtedly evil people, institutions, corporations, and diabolical plans at play in our world, so again, I ask you, what exactly are you going to do about it?

This article (How YOU Can Undermine the “Evil Cabal”) originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Dylan Charles and WakingTimes.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

Dylan Charles is the editor of Waking Times and co-host of Redesigning Reality, both dedicated to ideas of personal transformation, societal awakening, and planetary renewal. His personal journey is deeply inspired by shamanic plant medicines and the arts of Kung Fu, Qi Gong and Yoga. After seven years of living in Costa Rica, he now lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains, where he practices Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and enjoys spending time with family. He has written hundreds of articles, reaching and inspiring millions of people around the world.

3. The Occult Archetype Called Vaccination

Jon Rappoport

In many past articles, I’ve taken apart the so-called science of vaccines and shown how deceptive it is. Here I take another approach: examining the archetypes and symbols that surround vaccination and give it occult power.

Begun as a crude version of homeopathy (“treat like with like”), in which a mild injected version of a disease would supposedly protect against the actual disease, vaccination soon developed into a military outpost, with the commander ordering the appearance of his scouts: antibodies. “Line up men, now hunt!”

Today, as a revival of ancient symbology, vaccination is a conferred seal, a sign of moral righteousness. It’s a mark on the arm, signifying tribal inclusion. No tribe member is left out. Inclusion by vaccination protects against invisible spirits (viruses).

The notion of the tribe is enforced by dire predictions of pandemics: the spirits of other tribes (from previously unknown hot zones in jungles) are attacking the good tribe, our tribe.

Mothers, the keepers of the children, are given a way to celebrate their esteemed, symbolic, animal role as “lionesses”: confer the seal on their offspring through vaccination. Protect the future of the tribe. Speak out and defame and curse the mothers who don’t vaccinate their children. Excommunicate them from the tribe.

The ceremony of vaccination is a rite of passage for the child. He/she is now more than the offspring of the parents. The child is in the village. The child is property of the village (the State). As the years pass, periodic booster shots reconfirm this status.

Some ancient rituals presented dangers. The child, on his way to becoming a man, would be sent out to live alone in the forest for a brief period and survive. Vaccination symbolizes this in a passive way: the injection of disease-viruses which might be harmful are transmuted into protective spirits in the body. The injection of toxic chemicals is a passageway into immunity. If a child is damaged in the process, the parents and the tribe consider it a tragic but acceptable risk, because on the whole the tribe and the village are protected against the evil spirits (viruses).

The psychological and occult and archetypal impact of vaccination is key: modern parents are given the opportunity to feel, on a subconscious level, a return to older times, when life was more bracing and immediate and vital. That is the mythology. Modern life, for basic consumers, has fewer dimensions—but vaccination awakens sleeping memories of an age when ritual and ceremony were essential to the future of the group. No one would defect from these moments. Refusal was unthinkable. Survival was All. The mandate was powerful. On a deep level, parents today can experience that power. It is satisfying.

The doctor giving the injections is, of course, the priest of the tribe, the medicine man, the holder of secrets. He is the spiritual source of, and connection to, “unseen realms” where opposing spirits carry out warfare and struggle for supremacy. Without the medicine man, the tribe would disintegrate.

The medicine man is permitted to say and do anything. He can tell lies if lies serve a noble purpose and effect greater strength of the tribe. He can manipulate language and truth and meaning. He can turn day into night. He can present paradox and contradiction. No one can question his pronouncements.

Loyalty to the medicine man is absolute. In this regard, a rebel is exiled or destroyed.

People living today in industrial and technological societies are relatively numb. Their options and choices seem confined to a range of products they can buy. They yearn for absolutes. They want a command, from the medicine man, which taps into the adrenaline-stimulating need for, and risk to, survival.

The demand for vaccination, along with the ever-present threat of illness and outbreak and pandemic, awakens that need and risk.

Modern parents need archetypes and symbols of demon spirits. Viruses. Ebola, Zika, West Nile, SARS, Swine Flu. These spirits are unseen. They could attack. They do attack.

“We must go the medicine man for the ritual to protect us from the demons. He will put the seal of protection on us and our children.”

Then there are the shameful marks, which are to be avoided in every way possible. A child who shows the rashes and swellings of illnesses is highly suspect. Did he not participate in the protective ritual? Are his parents evil? Are they possessed? Should the child and his parents be shunned? Will the medicine man help them or lay an irreversible curse on them for defecting?

Subconsciously and archetypally, the “modern science of vaccination” is doctrine. It is alchemy. It is magic. Going against the magic is tantamount to trying to overturn the very basis of life in the tribe.

In the extreme view, rebels are promoters of evil spirits (viruses). They are infectors. They transmit evil spirits throughout the tribe and the village. They cause people to fall ill and die. Yes, the medicine man is doing all he can to protect his people (through vaccination), but this is war. Nothing is guaranteed. The evil spirits are arrayed against the medicine man. We must help him and bolster his power and advantage. We have our role to play. He is the hero. Cling to the hero. Praise him.

In the fullness of time, do whatever we can to increase his glory. He is engaged in an occult struggle on levels we cannot hope to fathom. On our behalf. In the tribe.

His many remedies (incomprehensible to us) are walking a fine line. Because of their power, they have risks (side effects). These risks are numerous. Every night in collective meetings (television ads), we are told of the numerous problems that could arise (ask your doctor if X is right for you). But the impact of hearing these warnings is extremely positive, because we feel the danger, and feeling the danger is what we need and want, because, again, we are in a war against the evil spirits—and the sensation of risk is preferable to feeling nothing. Give us more warnings, and let us experience a return to ancient days when we lived on the edge of extinction and knew the blood coursing through our veins was alive.

It takes a village. We are the tribe. We are the warriors.

The needle is the magic transmitter. The plunger of the syringe is the force. The fluid in the syringe is the alchemical transformer. Be silent in their presence. Accept their mysterious grace.

Copyright © Jon Rappoport. All Rights Reserved.

The author of three explosive collections, The Matrix Revealed, Exit from the Matrix and Power Outside the Matrix, Jon Rappoport was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for thirty years, writing articles on politics, medicine and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com. To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit from the Matrix, click here.

4. The Political Significance of LSD

Vikram Zutshi, openDemocracy

The shifts in consciousness brought about by psychedelics could help to dissolve our fear of the other.

Microdosing” on psychedelic substances like LSD—ingesting just enough to heighten cognitive faculties, enhance creativity, improve concentration and alleviate depression—is currently back in vogue among people not normally associated with anything remotely “countercultural” in the USA.

The term psychedelic was coined in 1958 by British psychiatrist Humphrey Osmond and is derived from the Greek words psyche (“soul, mind”) and delein (“to manifest”), hence “soul-manifesting,” the implication being that psychedelics can access the soul and develop unused potentials in the human mind. It’s a contention that’s gaining increased acceptance in mainstream universities.

New York University, for example, is hosting clinical trials using psilocybin to treat alcohol addiction. The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) has been at the forefront of research in treating patients suffering from chronic treatment-resistant PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) with MDMA, commonly known as Ecstasy. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently designated its MDMA-assisted psychotherapy project as a “breakthrough therapy.” Apart from MDMA, MAPS also advocates the use of Ayahuasca, Ibogaine and medical marijuana for a variety of conditions ranging from bipolar syndrome and drug addiction to autism-related disorders, ADHD and clinical depression.

The therapeutic use of psychedelics isn’t new. Between 1953 and 1973, the US federal government funded over a hundred studies on LSD with more than 1,700 subjects participating. Psychedelics were tested on convicts, substance abusers, people suffering from chronic depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenics and terminal cancer patients. LSD was also tested on artists and scientists to explore its effects on creativity, and on divinity students to examine spirituality from a neuroscientific perspective. The empirical data gathered from these tests was largely positive.

LSD “truly was an acid, dissolving almost everything with which it came into contact, beginning with the hierarchies of the mind … and going on from there to society’s various structures of authority,” says author Michael Pollan in his book How to Change Your Mind: The New Science of Psychedelics. And that’s what makes this subject socially and politically interesting.

“It is curious to me that what I see as the two greatest threats—environmental crisis and [political] tribalism—these drugs directly address both those mindsets,” Pollan told the Guardian in a recent interview. “They undermine our tendency to objectify nature, to think of ourselves as separate from it. They undermine tribalism in that people tend to emerge from these experiences thinking that we are all more alike, all more connected.”

If this is true, then those of us committed to social transformation must start to take the use of psychedelics much more seriously. But what’s the actual or potential connection between LSD and politics?

It was a Swiss chemist called Albert Hoffman who discovered the drug by accident in 1938. While conducting research on another pharmaceutical compound he absorbed the drug through his skin and staggered home to lie down on his sofa, where, “in a dreamlike state, with eyes closed,” he wrote later, “I perceived an uninterrupted stream of fantastic pictures, extraordinary shapes with intense, kaleidoscopic play of colors.” Hoffman felt he had been given the keys to unlocking the mysteries of the universe, “the mystical experience of a deeper, comprehensive reality.”

A few decades later in August 1960, Timothy Leary, a clinical psychologist from Harvard University, traveled to Cuernavaca in Mexico and ingested psilocybin (“magic”) mushrooms for the first time, an experience that radically altered the course of his life. In 1965, Leary commented  that he had “learned more about … (his) brain and its possibilities … [and] more about psychology in the five hours after taking these mushrooms than … in the preceding 15 years of studying and doing research in psychology.” Leary became a lifelong evangelist for the therapeutic benefits of psychedelics.

Theoretical physicist Carlos Rovelli, author of The Order of Time, says his romance with quantum theory and the mysteries of the space-time continuum were sparked by his LSD trips as a student radical at the University of Bologna. “It was an extraordinarily strong experience that touched me also intellectually,” he told the Guardian. “Among the strange phenomena was the sense of time stopping. Things were happening in my mind but the clock was not going ahead; the flow of time was not passing anymore. It was a total subversion of the structure of reality. How do I know that the usual perception is right, and this is wrong?”

Rovelli has spent the better part of his life grappling with the relationship between space, time and consciousness, fundamental concepts that underlie existence and how we simultaneously perceive the world and shape it. “If I observe the microscopic state of things,” he writes, “then the difference between past and future vanishes … in the elementary grammar of things, there is no distinction between ‘cause’ and ‘effect.’” The concept of time, he says, “has lost layers one after another, piece by piece.” We are left with “an empty windswept landscape almost devoid of all trace of temporality … a world stripped to its essence, glittering with an arid and troubling beauty.”

Large parts of the world are being polarized at a rate rarely seen before, helped in no small measure by social media “filter bubbles” and algorithms that divide people sharply along the lines of nationality or ideology, their underlying human connections rendered increasingly irrelevant. Perhaps such deep hatred and suspicion of the other was always there, but now it has taken center stage and is being used as a potent election strategy by populist and hyper-nationalist leaders the world over. Like herds of cattle, large numbers of people are being programmed and deployed as pawns for a larger agenda.

Therefore, perhaps real change begins with rewiring our perceptual framework. Psychedelic substances have been ingested sacramentally by indigenous cultures to achieve this goal since the dawn of time, and now they’re being validated by the scientific and medical communities. The shifts in consciousness that can be brought about by psychedelics can help in dissolving the man-made boundaries or fear of the other that are implanted in our collective psyche.

While Silicon Valley bio-hackers microdosing on LSD to enhance their workplace performance may not be looking to bring about tectonic shifts in collective consciousness, there’s no reason to restrict the use of psychedelics to these groups and purposes. They could also work as a potent catalyst to awaken humankind to the dangers of toxic nationalism and rabid nativism that threaten to engulf us.

This article was originally published by openDemocracy under a Creative Commons license.

Vikram Zutshi is a filmmaker, independent scholar and columnist based in Los Angeles. His debut feature Max Kennedy and the American Dream was filmed at various points along the two thousand mile US-Mexico border and has since been globally broadcast. He writes frequently on Art, Religion, Politics, Culture and Cinema and is currently in post-production on a new film called Darshan. Follow him on Twitter @getafix2012.

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5. Facebook Censorship Rampage Killing Alternative Pages

Brendan D. Murphy

The Facebook Purge Is on

It’s official: the Facebook censorship rampage against truth and “alternative” perspectives is in full swing!

Our Global Freedom Movement (GFM) fan page is just one of the latest casualties in the infowar.

Here’s what happened:

In the early hours of a recent Tuesday morning (AEST) while we slept, Facebook evidently decided it was an opportune time to delete the page—with no prior warning whatsoever.

We awoke to see that not a single trace of the GFM fan page could be found anywhere in Zuckerberg’s Deep State-controlled platform. (Note: we have created another page with our name just so there is something there but will not be posting on it. We’ll only get burned once …)

No reason was provided. No responses to inquiries have been forthcoming. (Classy stuff, Facebook.)

Yibbita, yibbita, that’s all folks!

It’s not just Global Freedom Movement in the sites of the Deep State proxy known as Facebook, however, which is why I’m writing this article. A wide net is being cast.

Open Season on Alternative Pages

This past month (June 2018) has seen a spate of sudden page deletions of pages—some of them with huge followings—for no apparent reason (nothing reasonable offered at any rate). We will continue to report on the names of pages which enter the Facebook graveyard.

Page admins have begun connecting more intensely than ever and exchanging horror stories—and it seems that there is a definite pattern at work.

Jake Passi, formerly the admin (and creator) of Collectively Conscious—until Facebook arbitrarily deleted it without warning—shared this with me today in a private communication:

Heart Centered Balancing got deleted about a year ago. It had more than 5 million followers I think.

Awareness Act also got deleted about a year ago. It had 1M+ followers.

[EWAO (Earth We Are One) had their pages removed.] That was in early June of this year. (Emphasis added)

My page Collectively Conscious got deleted on June 13th. 915K followers

My friend Emeka’s page Chocolate Socrates got deleted on the same day. It had more than 500K followers.

Truth Teller and March Against Monsanto among many other pages keep getting hit with restrictions mainly on links. Zero reach bans they are called.

March Against Monsanto has been restricted for more than 2 weeks now and we have no idea when the restriction will lift.

Big pages like The Free Thought Project and The Mind Unleashed are getting their articles “debunked” by fact checkers like Snopes and Associated Press. Once two articles get “debunked” their pages get throttled [by the algorithms].

This is just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more insanity going on that I could share but I’ll leave it at that for now.

Primarily, the pages we are seeing deleted belong to the “alternative media” community, that is, anyone who shares information that does not support the established mainstream narrative—regardless of the topic! If you don’t toe the Deep State, military-industrial complex, or Big Pharma line then you’re out!

A democratically functioning platform with a diversity of perspectives is surely not something the Deep State will tolerate Facebook being (or ever becoming).

If you want to know the truth about anything, you’re less and less likely to find it on Facebook due to the current Gestapo-like crackdown on pages not in line with the Establishment.

The grotesque reality is that Facebook doesn’t give a damn that years of hard work by page creators is being callously deleted in an instant without recourse. They don’t give a damn that businesses are being ripped apart by their acts of censorship violence.

Even pages about meditation are taboo! I personally know of one page creator (I won’t name the page) who grew his meditation-related page to over 1 million fans and then sold it to a new owner for a tidy profit (a couple of years ago, if memory serves me, well before the current blitz began). I wonder how the purchaser of said page feels since Facebook deleted it in early June for no reason.

Lives are being devastated and people are rightfully pissed off.

All that effort—for what?

Pages deleted without a trace, as if they never existed.

I hope we’ve all learned a lesson or two.

A Short List of Casualties

The following list is a work in progress—and these are just the pages we know about. Make a note of the deletion dates and the page themes.

  1. Collectively Conscious (915K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  2. Natural Cures Not Medicine (2.3M followers) – Deleted on June 11th, 2018.
  3. I Want to Be 100% Organic (700K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  4. Viral Alternative News (500K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  5. Organic Health (230K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  6. Natural Cures From Food (120K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  7. Heart Centered Rebalancing (3.9M followers) – Deleted a few years ago.
  8. Awareness Act (1.1M followers) – Deleted in mid-2017.
  9. Conscious Life News (1.1M follower) – Deleted on June 5th, 2018.
  10. Wake The Fuck Up (550K followers) – Deleted about a year ago.
  11. Living Traditionally (570K followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.
  12. Organic Wellness (600K followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.
  13. Chocolate Socrates (608K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  14. Earth We Are One (1.7M followers) – Deleted on June 5th, 2018.
  15. Meditation Masters (2.3M followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.
  16. People’s Awakening (3.6M followers) – Deleted on June 5th, 2018.
  17. Nikola Tesla (1.7M followers) – Deleted on June 5th, 2018
  18. .Interesting Stories (1.5M followers) – Deleted on June 5th, 2018.
  19. The Warrior (1.7M followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.
  20. Natural Health Warriors (140K followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.
  21. Tech Explorers (270K followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.
  22. Universe Explorers (1.5M followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.
  23. Area 51 (1.5M followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.
  24. The Global Meditation (70K followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.
  25. Video Explorers (780K followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.
  26. Spiritualer.com (80K followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.
  27. Flower of Life (670K followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.
  28. EWAO (30K followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.
  29. Global Freedom Movement (27K followers) – Deleted on June 19th, 2018.
  30. Health & Alternative Medicine (550K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  31. Pure Nature (1.7M followers) – Deleted on June 3rd, 2018.
  32. Nature Gallery (654K followers) – Deleted on June 3rd, 2018.
  33. Mesmerizing Nature (912K followers) – Deleted on June 3rd, 2018.
  34. Nature’s Touch (150K followers) – Deleted on June 3rd, 2018.
  35. We Really Like Animals (544K) – Deleted on June 20th, 2018.
  36. Nature’s Majesty (191K followers) – Deleted on June 20th, 2018.
  37. Nature Magic (33K followers) – Deleted on June 20th, 2018.
  38. Floral Photobook (160K followers) – Deleted on June 20th, 2018.
  39. My Own Little World (1.5M followers) – Deleted on June 20th, 2018.
  40. Brighten Your Soul (100K followers) – Deleted on June 20th, 2018.
  41. Essence of Spirit (12K followers) – Deleted on June 20th, 2018.
  42. Jesse Ventura Fan Page (750K followers) – Deleted a few years ago.
  43. Exposing the Truth (800K followers) – Deleted on June 5th, 2018.
  44. Learning the Truth (1M followers) – Deleted on June 5th, 2018.
  45. Latruth (7M followers) – Unpublished on June 5th, 2018.
  46. Healthy Life Box (1.8M followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  47. Healthy Food House (3.4M followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  48. Health Awareness (2.5M followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  49. Healthy Life And Food (350K followers) – Deleted on May 23rd, 2018.
  50. Check These Things (80K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  51. Health Care Above All (90K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  52. Health and Healthy Living (450K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  53. Health & Alternative Medicine (550K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  54. Healthy Living Motivation (644K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  55. Alternative Health Universe (420K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  56. Natural Medicine Corner (411K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  57. Organic Health Team (490K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  58. Global Health Care (130K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  59. Healthy Alternative Medicine (140K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  60. Natural Healthy Team (190K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  61. Organic Food Medicine (30K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  62. Love, Health and Happiness (10K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  63. Healthy Organic Life (25K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  64. Healthy Lifestyle (55K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  65. Guardian of Health (160K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  66. Daily Health Keeper (190K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  67. Health & Love Page (720K followers) – Deleted on June 5th, 2018.
  68. Diabetes Health Page (180K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  69. The Beauty of Power (170K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  70. Nutrition Facts and Analysis (170K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  71. Deeper Perspectives (32K followers) – Deleted on June 13th, 2018.
  72. Healthy Living (1.8M followers) – Deleted on June 5th, 2018.
  73. Organic Planner (1.5M followers) – Deleted on June 5th, 2018.
  74. Healthy Lifestyle (1.4M followers) – Deleted on June 5th, 2018.
  75. Just Natural Medicine (1M followers) – Deleted on June 5th, 2018.
  76. Great Remedies – Great Health (650K followers) – Deleted on June 5th, 2018.
  77. Nature is Beautiful (1.1M Followers) – Deleted on June 3rd, 2018.
  78. Amazing World (872k Followers) – Deleted on June 6th, 2018.
  79. Pure Nature (425k Followers) – Deleted on June 6th, 2018.
  80. Photography World (1.4M Followers) – Deleted on June 20th, 2018.
  81. World Magazine (845k Followers) – Deleted on June 20th, 2018.

You’ll notice the majority of these pages refer to nature, health, natural medicine, organic food/living. Almost without exception, the remaining pages feature words such as “freedom,” “Tesla,” “conscious,” “awakening,” “aware,” “alternative,” “meditation.”

Gee, it’s almost as if there’s a war on consciousness—but I’m just a crackpot conspiracy theorist, right?

The End of an Era?

In Facebook terms, this may be an extinction level event: independent news outlets are going the way of the dinosaurs and leaving for other platforms (more on that in a moment).

But the joke may yet be on Facebook itself as it betrays its true allegiance and agenda ever more clearly by the hour, cleaving away swathes of truth-based pages in favor of a homogenized, Deep State-approved echo chamber of official narratives (curated by laughable, discredited entities such as Snopes).

Put simply, more and more people are seeing Farcebook for what it is and looking for greener pastures. What Facebook doesn’t seem to realize is that by alienating and/or censoring literally tens of millions of its users by blackballing alternative pages and arbitrarily banning users in the “truth community,” it’s cutting off its own legs.

People are sick of it and they’re leaving (and there goes the ad revenue with them—and with that, shareholder confidence!).

Once Generation Y (and older generations) leaves Faceblock for good, it’s game over for Zuckerturd—ain’t no “Gen Z’s” coming in to replace us. Most in the younger generations avoid Facebook for various reasons, including not wanting to be on a platform their parents use.

Put simply, the younger generations aren’t interested in Facebook and they certainly won’t be coming in to spend millions of dollars in advertising on the platform and replace the lost funding.

Facebook’s reputation is further tarnished by the day and it has no one to blame but itself. The more tyrannical it gets the more people regard it with contempt and the less likely they are to stay.

This is Facebook in self-termination mode, on behalf of the Deep State.

As we transition out of the Kali Yuga (iron/dark age) and into a more conscious age in alignment with truth, if you kill the truth you kill yourself. That seems to be Facebook’s lot currently.

It appears to be going the way of MySpace and trying to get there in a hurry.

Lost Your Page Too?

If you’re a fellow victim of the Facebook censorship rampage, we want to know about it. Send us your details—page name, deletion date, number of followers, and any other pertinent info—via this contact form.

What Other Platforms Are We Using?

There are social platforms where the cognitive and social grass is a little greener.

While we prepare for the launch of the Global Freedom University (the Truthiversity), Global Freedom Movement will continue to maintain the GFM Freedom Tribe group and Aimee and I will maintain our personal profiles too, until the day finally arrives when we no longer feel the need to.

In the meantime, GFM and some of its allies have new accounts on Minds (which we like the look and feel of!) and OnStellar. Connect with us there!

And if you really don’t want to miss any of our essential goings on, you’ll want to join the GFM mailing list too! At least then we can let you know what our strategic moves will be and when, without Faceban’s interference.

Please share this article widely, especially on the other social sites! (Oh, and by the way, our uncensored Twitter alternative is Gab—find GFM’s Gab profile here.)

See you on the socials.

This article was first published and is copyrighted by Global Freedom Movement. It is republished here with permission.

Co-founder of Global Freedom Movement and host of GFM Radio, Brendan D. Murphy is a leading Australian author, researcher, activist, and musician. His acclaimed nonfiction epic, The Grand Illusion: A Synthesis of Science & Spirituality, is out now! Come and get your mind blown at www.brendandmurphy.net.


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